5 January 2015


Assalammualaikum to muslims and hello to non-muslims. I am YASMIN SURAYA BINTI FAUDZIL (20) , I am the youngest child in my family. 

Firtsly, thank you for visiting my late father's blog. Dear viewers, my father FAUDZIL BIN HARUN had passed away due to heart attack on the 2nd of January 2015. It was a really shocking news to us. For those who knew my father, they would know that he was a good and genius man , honest individual who are always willing to share his knowledge and experience to anyone and he was a really responsible husband and a caring father anyone could possibly ask for. 

On behalf of my family, Dear readers do pray for my late father and recite Al-fatihah for him. Having a person like my father makes the world a better place to live in. May Allah S.W.T grant him HIS heavens. Amin. May my siblings and I grow to be righteous children who will always pray for our late father. InsyaAllah.

to be continued.........


Your daughter,
Yasmin Suraya Binti Faudzil

Rahimah Bt Kayl                    (WIFE)
Mohd Faiq Bin Faudzil            (ELDEST SON)
Mohd Rafiq Bin Faudzil           (SECOND SON)
Mohd Syafique Bin Faudzil      (THIRD SON)
Mohd Falique Bin faudzil         (FOURTH SON)
Yasmin Suraya Binti Faudzil   (YOUNGEST DAUGHTER)

2 January 2015

HEART HEALTH - Heart disease

Heart disease

Coronary Heart Disease is a condition that affects the blood vessels.

Coronary Heart Disease is a condition that affects the blood vessels (coronary arteries), which supply the heart's muscle with blood, oxygen and nutrients. If these become partially blocked, a person can have decreased heart function and may experience pain in the chest, arm, neck or jaw (angina). If the vessels become completely blocked, some of the heart muscle can die. This is a heart attack.

The disease process can start when conditions – like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking – cause damage to artery walls. The body tries to repair the damage, but in the process, fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances can be deposited in artery walls. At the same time these can become narrowed from fat and cholesterol build-up inside the artery walls, which is a disease known as atherosclerosis. Over time this build-up (plaque) can narrow the artery walls and can also develop a hard fibrous cap. If this fibrous cap ruptures, a blood clot can form and completely block the blood vessel, leading to a heart attack.

The most common symptom of heart disease is chest pain, but in many cases there are no symptoms before a heart attack. The "classic" heart attack symptom is pain or pressure in the chest that can spread to the arm, shoulder, neck or jaw. Some people experience abdominal pain, nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations or weakness without any chest pain. If you have any of these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately.


HEART HEALTH - Happiness boosts heart health

Happiness boosts heart health

Doing what you love has health benefits.
Happiness boosts heart health
People who are happy are less likely to develop heart disease than less happy people, according to a study from Columbia University in New York.
Researchers studied 1739 men and women for 10 years, assessing their risk of heart disease at the beginning of the study. Over the period they found that the happier someone was, the less likely they were to develop heart disease. The researchers concluded that if everyone did more of the things that made them happy, they could reduce their risk of heart attacks.
"The study suggests that those people who are happier have heart-protective outcomes," says lead researcher Karina Davidson.
Davidson is also involved in a trial to test whether changing people's happiness level improves their heart health.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/sex+relationships/wellbeing/happiness+boosts+heart+health,7725

1 January 2015

AIRASIA QZ8501 PLANE CRASH - The search for AirAsia Flight QZ8501: Where things stand

The search for AirAsia Flight QZ8501: Where things stand

By Jethro Mullen, CNN
January 1, 2015 -- Updated 1521 GMT (2321 HKT)

(CNN) -- Searchers looking for more bodies and wreckage from AirAsia Flight QZ8501 in the Java Sea faced fresh difficulties with bad weather Thursday.
Ships, planes and helicopters are being used to find victims of the disaster. Most of the people on board the flight remain missing, and officials are yet to confirm that they've found the plane's fuselage.
Here's key information about where things stand:
The flight
What we know: Flight QZ8501 took off early Sunday from Surabaya, Indonesia, bound for Singapore. Roughly 35 minutes into the flight, the pilot asked air traffic control for permission to turn left and climb to a higher altitude to avoid bad weather. Minutes later, the plane disappeared from air traffic control's radar.
What we don't know: What happened on board after contact with the plane was lost. No distress call was received. Indonesian aviation authorities have suggested that the plane ascended despite permission being denied because of traffic.
Some experts have speculated that the aircraft might have experienced an aerodynamic stall because of a lack of speed or from flying at too sharp an angle to get enough lift. Analysts have also suggested that the pilots might not have been getting information from onboard systems about the plane's position, or that rain or hail from thunderstorms in the area could have damaged the engines.
Until the main wreckage of the plane is found, along with the flight recorders, experts have little evidence to support their theories.
How can a modern airliner vanish?
The search
What we know: Search teams found debris and some bodies in the water Tuesday, 100 to 200 kilometers (about 60 to 120 miles) from the aircraft's last known location over the Java Sea, Indonesia's search and rescue agency said. Nine bodies have been recovered, authorities say, one of them a woman wearing a flight attendant's uniform.
Indonesia is leading the international search effort, with assistance from a range of countries including Malaysia, Singapore and the United States.
What we don't know: The exact location of the body of the aircraft. An Indonesian search official told CNN on Wednesday that he thought sonar equipment had detected wreckage from Flight 8501 at the bottom of the Java Sea. But the country's search and rescue chief said the plane hadn't been found yet. Bad weather has hindered the search operation.
The ones who missed the flight
The people on board
What we know: The plane was carrying 155 passengers and seven crew members. The overwhelming majority of those on board were Indonesians. There were also citizens of Britain, France, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea. Details are emerging about some of the people on the flight, recounted by family members and friends.
What we don't know: Which passengers and crew members' remains have been retrieved and which still remain missing in the Java Sea. On Thursday, Indonesian authorities announced the identification of one of the recovered bodies: a woman named Hayati Lutfiah Hamid. They are still working to identify the others.Many family members are waiting in Surabaya for news about their loved ones.
Pilot's wife: I hope he will be back
Families shown shocking images of debris
What could pilots do to avoid storm?
Experts: Lessons not learned from MH370
Search zone where debris was foundSearch zone where debris was found
Who was aboard AirAsia Flight QZ8501?
The investigation
What we know: The key to understanding what happened may be in the aircraft's cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder, commonly known as black boxes. The black boxes, which are actually orange, are in the tail of Airbus 320-200s. If recovered, they will be taken to a lab in Jakarta, Indonesia, to be analyzed, said Tatang Kurniadi, head of Indonesia's National Committee for Transportation Safety. The batteries powering the "pingers" that send acoustic signals have only about 25 days of power left, he said.
What we don't know: Where plane's remains might have been taken by the elements. Investigators will need to use information gleaned from the flight recorders, but also clues from the wreckage itself.
"The more bits I can put into my mosaic, the better my picture will be," aviation safety expert Michael Barr said. "The better the picture, the better I can come up with an understanding of what happened." But the conditions at sea make that work much more difficult than on land. "In the water, you are working with currents and winds, and so the pieces won't be where they had the initial impact."
What happens next?
The plane and the pilots
What we know: The 6-year-old Airbus A320-200, operated by AirAsia's Indonesian affiliate, had accumulated around 23,000 flight hours in about 13,600 flights, according to Airbus. The plane's last scheduled maintenance was on November 16.
Flight 8501's veteran captain, Iriyanto, 53, had 20,537 flying hours, 6,100 of them with AirAsia on the Airbus A320, the airline said. The first officer, Remi Emmanuel Plesel, 46, had 2,275 flying hours, a reasonable amount for his position.
What we don't know: Whether technical problems, human error or other issues were involved in the crash. According to information from the Aviation Safety Network accident database, there have been 54 incidents involving the A320.
"In the A320 family, accidents and incidents range from fan-cowl detachment, landing gear collapse, bird strikes, right through to hull losses through pilot error," said Kane Ray, an analyst with the International Bureau of Aviation, a global aviation consulting group. "Most aircraft have teething problems, and in most cases, these are eradicated. Very rarely, these issues cause disasters -- largely because of a culmination of factors that lead to the event," Ray said.
Anguish revisited: Relatives of MH370 victims speak out about AirAsia Flight QZ8501
CNN's Elizabeth Joseph contributed to this report.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/01/world/asia/airasia-disaster/

AIRASIA QZ8501 PLANE CRASH - Did AirAsia jet land safely in sea before sinking in storm?

Flight QZ8501: Did AirAsia jet land safely in sea before sinking in storm?

Experts say the absence of any crash transmission means the experienced former airforce pilot Captain Irianto may have executed the perfect emergency landing

Disappearance: AirAsia Captain Irianto, pilot of missing flight QZ8501

The pilot of crashed AirAsia flight QZ8501 may have pulled off the perfect emergency water landing before being the plane was overcome by high seas and sank.
While the hunt is on for the black boxes, several aviation experts believe the absence of any usual crash transmission data means the plane could have touched down safely with all 162 people on board.
After leaving Indonesia early on Sunday, the Airbus A320-200 disappeared over the Java Sea during a storm but the emergency transmissions made when planes crash or are submerged in the sea were never emitted.
So flight experts now believe it's entirely possible that experienced former airforce pilot Captain Irianto may have safely landed the plane on water - before it was overcome by high waves and fell to the bottom of the sea. 
Dudi Sudibyo, a senior editor of aviation magazine Angkasa, said: "The emergency locator transmitter (ELT) would work on impact, be that land, sea or the sides of a mountain, and my analysis is it didn't work because there was no major impact during landing."
"The pilot managed to land it on the sea's surface."
Captain Irianto was cruising at a height of 32,000 feet when he requested permission to change course to avoid storms.
But although air traffic controllers gave him permission, he had to wait because of heavy air traffic and the plane vanished from radar screens minutes later.
Rescue mission: Members of the Indonesian air force carry items retrieved from the Java sea
While a mass search is still underway for the black boxes, some experts believe it may have stalled because it climbed to steeply or was travelling too slowly - yet it remains a mystery why there was no distress signal from the pilot.
More than 40 bodies have since been found in the Java Sea, with some reports suggesting passengers were wearing lifejackets and holding hands.
Two of the first pieces of debris found were an emergency exit door and an inflatable slide, which could suggest the first passengers may have started to evacuate the plane.
Former air force commander Chappy Hakim told AFP: "The conclusions I have come to so far are that the plane did not blow up mid-air, and it did not suffer an impact when it hit a surface, because if it did so then the bodies would not be intact."
A shadow of the plane believed to have been spotted on the seabed also shows the plane may have been largely intact.
Former Indonesia transport minister Jusman Syafii Djamal believes the discovery of the exit door means "someone had opened it", reports Channel News Asia.
The full cause of the crash will remain unclear until search and rescue workers recover the black boxes.

Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/flight-qz8501-airasia-jet-land-4902658

AIRASIA QZ8501 PLANE CRASH - Stricken AirAsia plane soared 'as fast as a fighter jet' and then dropped almost vertically into Java Sea as if being thrust down by a giant hand, crash experts revealed today

Stricken AirAsia plane soared 'as fast as a fighter jet' and then dropped almost vertically into Java Sea as if being thrust down by a giant hand, crash experts revealed today 

  • Plane behaved in ways 'bordering on edge of logic' before disappearing
  • Craft soared up at 'unprecedented' rate before falling almost vertically
  • Weather was so extreme pilots could not have saved 162 people on board 

The AirAsia jet which plunged into the Java Sea rose up as fast as a fighter jet and then dropped almost vertically into the water as if being thrust down by a giant hand, crash experts agreed today.

Their conclusion is that the Airbus 320-200 was in the grip of weather so freakishly extreme 
that there was nothing the pilots could have done to save the jet and all 162 people on board.

The plane behaved in ways ‘bordering on the edge of logic,’ Indonesian aviation analyst Gerry Soejatman said after examining figures leaked from the official air crash investigation team.

Scroll down for video 

Experts examining flight data leaked from the AirAsia crash investigation said the plane behaved in ways 'bordering on the edge of logic' after rising thousands of feet into the air before falling almost vertically
Experts examining flight data leaked from the AirAsia crash investigation said the plane behaved in ways 'bordering on the edge of 
logic' after rising thousands of feet into the air before falling almost vertically

Analysts agreed the aircraft had been buffeted by 'freakishly extreme' weather making it impossible to save any of the 162 people on board (pictured, rescue workers recover a body today)
Analysts agreed the aircraft had been buffeted by 'freakishly extreme' weather making it impossible to save any of the 162 people on 
board (pictured, rescue workers recover a body today)

He said the jet climbed at a speed that would have been impossible for the pilot to have achieved - and then plunged straight down ‘like a piece of metal being thrown down.'

‘It’s really hard to comprehend…the way it goes down is bordering on the edge of logic.’

Australian aviation expert, Peter Marosszeky, from the University of NSW, told the Sydney Morning Herald that, in contrast, he was baffled by the extremely low speed of the descent - as low as 61 knots - which would suggest the plane was heading almost straight down, explaining why it has been found in water just 10km from its last point of radar contact.

Both experts are in agreement that the jet went down almost vertically - and also concluded 
that a freak weather pattern that placed the aircraft under extraordinary forces was to blame 
for its plight.

Earlier in the week, AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes - who vowed today to fly home 
with the body of 22-year-old stewardess Khairunnisada Haidar once she has been formally identified - suggested the jet had encountered ‘very unique weather.’

Mr Soejatman meanwhile remains convinced that the reason for the crash, while officially a mystery, is possibly because the aircraft was caught in a severe updraft, followed by an 
equally severe ground draft.

He said that leaked figures showed the plane climbed at a virtually unprecedented rate of 6000ft to 9000ft per minute and ‘you can’t do that at altitude in an Airbus 320 with pilot action.’

In total seven victims of the crash have been found so far, as dive teams have promised an 'all out effort' to find more bodies today (pictured, bodies arrive at Surabaya police hospital)
In total seven victims of the crash have been found so far, as dive teams have promised an 'all out effort' to find more bodies today (pictured, bodies arrive at Surabaya police hospital)

Rescue workers have identified a large 'shadow' on the bottom of the ocean which they believe could be the plane, but dive teams have so far been unable to reach it due to dire weather conditions
Rescue workers have identified a large 'shadow' on the bottom of the ocean which they believe could be the plane, but dive teams 
have so far been unable to reach it due to dire weather conditions

The most that could normally be expected, he said, would be 1000ft to 1500ft on a sustained basis, gaining 3000ft in a burst.

But then the aircraft fell at an even more incredible rate of 11,000ft a minute, with extraordinary bursts of up to 24,000ft a minute - figures higher than the Air France A330 Airbus that crashed into the Atlantic in 2009, killing 228 passengers after attaining baffling ascent and descent rates.

Mr Marosszeky agreed that a climb rate of at least 6000ft a minute would indicate a ‘severe weather event,’ because that rate of climb was a ‘domain for jet fighters.’

In a fascinating, yet worrying, comment earlier in the week, Mr Fernandes suggested that climate change was making weather worse and flying riskier, particularly in the tropics.
Meanwhile today Mr Fernandes promised that he would fly with the family of flight QZ8501 and the body of stewardess Ms Khairunnisa to her home town in Palembang, Indonesia, once her body has been positively identified.

The body of one of the two stewardesses, still in her red AirAsia uniform, has been recovered.
In a Tweet today, Mr Fernandes said that ‘if our beautiful and wonderful crew (member) is identified, we will go from Surabaya to Palembang with her parents. Heartbreaking soul (destroyed).’

Ms Khairunnisa’s father, Mr Haidar Fauzie, told The Star newspaper of Malaysia that he hoped the body found in a flight attendant’s uniform was that of his daughter so that he could lay her to rest.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2893411/Stricken-AirAsia-plane-soared-fast-fighter-jet-dropped-vertically-Java-Sea-thrust-giant-hand-crash-experts-revealed-today.html#ixzz3NaG3rDQQ 

AIRASIA QZ8501 PLANE CRASH - Two more bodies recovered

1 January 2015 Last updated at 11:59

AirAsia QZ8501: Two more bodies recovered

Divers are being limited by the weather conditions

Two more bodies have been recovered from the Java Sea as search operations continue for the remains of AirAsia Flight QZ8501, officials say.

The bodies, flown to an airbase in Borneo, bring to nine the total recovered. The funeral of one victim, a flight attendant, has been held.
However, bad weather has continued to hamper the search for wreckage.
The plane came down four days ago en route from Indonesia to Singapore with 162 people on board.
No survivors have been found.
Skies brightened over the search area on Thursday but rough seas, which slowed salvage efforts, returned within hours.
Ships and planes are scouring the Java Sea off Borneo. Malaysia, Australia and Thailand are helping Indonesia with the search, while the US destroyer USS Sampson has been sent to the zone.
Divers are hoping to investigate a large object sighted by a rescue pilot which it is thought could be part of the airliner.
A candlelit vigil was held for the 162 people on board flight QZ8501, as Rupert Wingfield Hayes reports
Naval officer Siahala Alamsyah said that bad weather and high seas on Wednesday night prevented a team of about 50 Indonesian navy divers from flying out to warships at the scene of the disaster.
Search teams are hoping to locate the fuselage of the plane on the seabed and find the plane's "black box" recorders, which could provide clues about the cause of the crash.
"It's possible the bodies are in the fuselage," said search and rescue co-ordinator Sunarbowo Sand from his base in Pangkalan Bun on Borneo island - the closest town to the targeted area.
"It's a race now against time and weather."
Flight QZ8501, from Surabaya in Java to Singapore, disappeared on Sunday. Debris from the plane, an Airbus A320-200, was located in the sea on Tuesday.
The funeral of Air Asia crash victim, Hayati Lutfiah Hamid, Surabaya, east Java, 1 January 2015The funeral of Hayati Lutfiah Hamid took place in Surabaya, east Java
Members of an Indonesian search and rescue team transport the body of a victim from AirAsia flight QZ8501 recovered from the scene of the crash to Pangkalan Bun in Central Kalimantan (01 January 2015)Indonesian search teams continue to recover bodies
Tender vessel KN Andromeda, left, sails next to Indonesian Navy"s KRI Bung Tomo during a search mission for the victims of AirAsia Flight 8501 in the Java Sea, Indonesia (31 December 2014)So far search and rescue vessels have had to brave high seas
Black box flight recorders
There were 137 adult passengers, 17 children and one infant, along with two pilots and five crew, on the plane.
The majority of those on board were Indonesians.
Bodies are being flown on from Borneo to Surabaya where relatives, providing DNA samples, are waiting for them to be identified.
The only body identified so far is that of AirAsia flight attendant Hayati Lutfia Hamid. Her funeral has taken place in Surabaya.
Aerodynamic stall?
Some investigators are reported to believe that the plane may have gone into an aerodynamic stall as the pilot climbed steeply to avoid a storm.
Officials quoted by the Reuters news agency say that the plane was travelling at 32,000ft (9,750m) when it requested to climb to 38,000ft to avoid bad weather.
When air traffic controllers consented to allow it to climb to 34,000ft a few minutes later, they got no reply.
Sribudi Siswardani's 31-year-old son was on board AirAsia flight QZ8501 - on his first trip overseas
A source quoted by Reuters said that radar data appeared to show that the aircraft's "unbelievably" steep climb may have been beyond the Airbus A320's limits.
"So far, the numbers taken by the radar are unbelievably high. This rate of climb is very high, too high. It appears to be beyond the performance envelope of the aircraft," the source said, while emphasising that more information was needed before a definitive conclusion could be reached.
Hundreds of people, including young children, turned out to a candlelit vigil in Surabaya on Wednesday evening.
All New Year's Eve celebrations in East Java province were cancelled.
In Jakarta, the capital, residents began new year festivities with a prayer for the victims. A number of other cities cancelled or scaled down their new year celebrations.
AirAsia previously had an excellent safety record and there were no fatal accidents involving its aircraft.
Indonesian map
line break
Are you, or is someone you know, affected by this story? Do you know any of the passengers on the AirAsia flight? You can email haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk with any information. Please leave a telephone number if you are willing to be contacted by a BBC journalist.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30647375

AIRCRAFT STORIES - Dr M questions reluctance to use existing technology for locating aircraft

Dr M questions reluctance to use existing

technology for locating aircraft 

Published: 1 January 2015

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad questions why Boeing is reluctant to use existing technology that can immediately help locate a plane that's disappeared off radars. – The Malaysian Insider pic, January 1, 2015. 

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has raised questions over aircraft

manufacturer Boeing's apparent reluctance to use existing

flight data recording technology on commercial aircraft that

can immediately help locate a plane following a disaster,

asserting that such a system could make the search for

crashed jetliners much faster.
Writing in his blog today about the AirAsia Indonesia QZ850 crash, the former prime minister highlighted an ongoing disagreement between Boeing and rival Airbus over the use of deployable flight data and voice recorder systems for commercial aircraft.
This system, according to the description on the website of the Flight Safety Foundation, either allows the recorder to automatically eject itself from the aircraft in a fatal crisis – to become a beacon locator for the downed plane later, or to virtually transmit data upon a "triggered transmission".
Dr Mahathir noted that Airbus, which made the 320-200 plane used for flight QZ8501, is said to be ready to move forward with the system, but Boeing remained reluctant, without any reasons given.
Boeing, the maker of the plane for MH370, disagreed about the system being suitable or safe for commercial planes; yet, the company had installed deployable recorders on at least three military aircraft fleets, Dr Mahathir said, citing an article published in October this year on the Flightglobal website.
"Just imagine if this recorder and beacon is installed on the Air Asia Indonesia aircraft or MH370, we would not have to search the oceans for the planes.
"I cannot understand why Boeing is against it," he wrote in his popular chedet.cc blog today.
The article titled "Why flight tracking philosophies must align", said the Airbus concept involved deploying one of the two sets of flight data and cockpit voice recorders in the event of a mid-air collision or impact with the ground.
The deployable unit includes a locator beacon, and is designed to float if the crash occurs in water, said Dr Mahathir.
The Flightglobal opinion piece also cited the Air France flight 447 crash in 2009. It took authorities over two years to find the missing plane at the bottom of the South Atlantic Ocean.
It said following the incident, the appeal of such a system was obvious and could spare the industry the embarrassment of losing another aircraft.
QZ8501 disappeared on Sunday morning when flying from Surabaya to Singapore with 162 passengers and crew members. On Tuesday, Indonesian authorities confirmed that the Airbus A320-200 had crashed into the Java Sea near Pangkalan Bun, central Kalimantan when debris and bodies from the plane were found floating in the sea.
MH370 went missing on March 8 this year shortly after it left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people onboard. The plane remains missing until today, with little clue as to what had happened, despite a massive multinational search conducted in the southern Indian Ocean.
Dr Mahathir also cited a December 2006 Flightglobal article titled "Diagrams: Boeing patents anti-terrorism auto-land system for hijacked airliners".
The article reported that in late November that year, Boeing had received a US patent for a system that allows seizure of an aircraft by remote control as a means to prevent terrorist hijacking.
Once activated, the system removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location.
The “uninterruptible” autopilot would be activated – either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.
In the article, Boeing was quoted as saying: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and efficiency of the world's airline fleet."
Aside from the safety and security aspects of having such a system, Boeing sees it as a preventative measure: “Once the automatic control system provided by the present invention is initiated, no one on board the air vehicle is capable of controlling the flight to the air vehicle, such that it would be useless for anyone to threaten violence in order to gain control the air vehicle", the article reported.
"Boeing had made no comment on its powerful capability. And MH370 has not been found till now.
"And now Boeing seems to be unwilling to make finding lost aircrafts easier and faster, possibly saving lives as well. Why?
"The mystery deepens," Dr Mahathir said.
He also conveyed his condolences to all families of passengers and crew on board flight QZ8501.
There was one Malaysian, a businessman from Kuching, onboard. A majority of them were Indonesian, with five others from South Korea, Singapore, Britain and France. – January 1, 2015.

Source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/dr-m-questions-reluctance-to-use-existing-technology-for-locating-aircraft