12 October 2013

FITNESS WORKOUT - Body vibration machine danger

Body Vibration Machine Danger

Body vibration machine dangers are often left out of ads promoting the use of whole body vibration therapy.

The Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota stated:

"Clinical guidelines for osteoporosis recommend dietary and pharmacologic interventions and weight-bearing exercise to prevent bone fractures. These interventions sometimes have low adherence and can cause adverse effects. A proposed alternative or adjudicative treatment is whole-body vibration therapy (WBV), in which energy produced by a forced oscillation is transferred to an individual from a mechanical vibration platform. Whole-body vibration platforms are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for medical purposes"

These machines, as their manufacturers often point out, have shown some some success in increasing bone density or decreasingbone loss.
However just as pharmaceutical drugs can have negative side effects (and some should be avoided by persons with certainmedical conditions) so too researchers have found that there can be side effects and Body vibration machine dangers topersons with certain medical conditions or undergoing certain medical procedures.

Just as I list potential side effects for drugs, I am listing potential 'side effects' of these machines. If you haveany of the conditions listed, I encourage you to discuss the topic with your health care provider before investingin one of the machines. A sales person may not have sufficient medical knowledge to give you appropriate advice.

To begin:

Body vibration machine dangers:
·         Persons with cardiovascular conditions Whole body vibration may be unsafe for those who have had a stroke or who have heart disease. Also anyone with a blood clotting disorder, deep vein thrombosis. If you have a pacemaker, you should get your physiciansapproval before using one of these machines.
·         Persons with Diabetes Anyone with advanced diabetes where blood flow to the feet is diminished/
·         Anyone with orthopedic injuries If you have had a recent sprain, strain, tear or orthopedic surgery there could be a Body vibration machine danger and the use of a machine would be temporarily unsafe because the speed of the machine vibration could lead to reflexive muscle contraction, injuries or scarring. Also stitching can become damaged. Also check with your physician if you have a recent sprain, strain, surgery or tear.
·         If you have recently been fitted with any plating, fasteners, pins, or bolts the vibrations could dislodge or alter the position of the appliances. Do get medical clearance before using one of these machines. Even so care should be taken to avoid total weight-bearing activities where vibrations can transfer though your entire body physical therapist. Alfia Albasini, author of "Using Whole Body Vibration in Physical Therapy and Sport.
·         Persons with head injury or history of head injury should consult a physician before using these machines.
·         Journal Br. Menopause published a paper by Cardinale and Rittweger of the Olympic Medical Institute in the United Kingdom about vibration machines and bone building that said:
"Vibration transmitted to the whole body or part of it has been extensively studied in relation to the risks to the health and safety of workers. These studies have highlighted the particular danger of lower-back morbidity and spinal trauma arising after prolonged exposure to vibration." The paper went on to say that short term use "can have beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system."

Some of the Information about these safety issues was taken from: www.livestrong.com. But you can read other assessments at Body vibration machine dangers and possible benefits

1 comment:

steve said...

Hi its nice and informative information so those who are using body vibration machine it will be danger for health so just keep walking.

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