30 November 2013

CANCER - 5 Signs You'll Get Cancer

By S.A. Nickerson

“You have cancer” are three words you never want to hear . . . 

Unfortunately, over 5,000 people in North America do hear those words — every single day. Even worse, cancer has become the second leading cause of death for Americans.

America’s foremost holistic health practitioner, David Brownstein, M.D., has spent much of his medical career studying cancer, and learning the best ways to avoid becoming its victim. 

And Dr. Brownstein does not shy away from the hard truth. Statistics demonstrate we are not winning the war on cancer. Far from it. In fact, cancer death rates have remained nearly unchanged over the last 80 years. Plus, traditional cancer treatments have been a dismal failure, particularly when the initial cancer returns — often with a vengeance.

Because the only big winner in the cancer treatment story to date has been the cancer industry’s multibillion-dollar profits, Dr. Brownstein has just released a complimentary video documentary revealing some of his startling findings.

In this video, you’ll discover five specific signs that you will be diagnosed with cancer during your lifetime. 

More important, you’ll see:

• Seven simple but smart steps to prevent cancer from taking over your body . . .

• How to help your body naturally kill cancer cells . . .

• Easiest ways to avoid known cancer-causing factors . . .

• The little-known relationship between iodine and cancer . . .

• And much, much more . . .

According to Dr. Brownstein, nearly all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at various times during our lives. The trick is to avoid letting those cells multiply and overwhelm the body’s natural defenses.

The good news is that you and your loved ones do not need to become cancer victims. With the simple strategies revealed in Dr. Brownstein’s eye-opening video, you can take steps to prevent this deadly disease, or even reverse it.

Editor’s Note: This video is so crucial and groundbreaking, Newsmax Health pulled out all the stops to bring it directly to you at no charge. Click here to start watching this powerful video about preventing cancer immediately. With so many people dying needlessly, there’s no time to waste.

© 2013 NewsmaxHealth

HEALTHY EATING - Top 10 Fruits that are Rich in Fibre Content

Article by erica

Fibre helps to maintain an ideal weight. It helps in the absorption of water and cleansing of bowels. Fibres should be included in everyone’s diet. inorder to maintain good health. One should also drink lots of water while increasing the fibre content in the diet. It helps to keep the digestive system in good working order. Refined foods and foodstuffs high in saturated fat content should be cut down to a very great extent as it only decreases the fibre content. Sudden increase in fibre content should be avoided as it leads to intestinal gas, bloating and bowel cramps. Including fresh fruits in the diet is the best way to increase the fibre content in the body. Here are a list of few fruits which will greatly benefit in increasing the fibre content in our body :
10. Figs :
From preventing cancer, to lowering blood pressure, figs offer more than just their sweet taste. Figs are a rich source of fibre. Fresh figs have more fibre content than dried figs. Although fresh figs are not available throughout the year as they are seasonal, one can buy a tin of fresh fig pulp from the supermarkets these days. One fresh fig contains 2 to 4 grams of fibre. Black figs have better flavor than green figs. Besides being a good source of fibre, figs are a good source of potassium which in turn helps to control blood pressure by causing blood vessels to relax. Their rich source of fibre helps in prevention of chronic constipation and any sort of gastrointestinal diseases. Figs should be eaten by all as they are very essential for are health.
9. Blueberries :

As strange as they may sound, but yes blueberries have an amazing fibre content which is very essential for our body. The fibre present in the blueberries helps in control of any inflammatory diseases of the bowel. A slice of whole wheat bread provides less fibre than a half bowl of blueberries. Blueberries help in getting rid of constipation. Blueberries taste excellent and hence are a personal favorite of many. If never tried blueberries before one should definitely give it a try as it has the pectin fibre which makes it unique from the rest of the fruits. Blueberries are a diabetic’s best friend as they also help to control blood sugar level.
8. Avocado :
One avocado provides around 12g dietary fibre which is nearly half the recommended fibre target for women. Women specially require fibre specially during their menstrual cycle. Half an avocado provides 3 to 4 g of fibre and prevents constipation and helps in maintaining a good and efficient running digestive system. It contains both soluble and insoluble fibres as well as essential fats. It is proved to be a boon to the diabetic patients as they are naturally low in sugar and sodium. It also controls the blood sugar level and reduces inflammation. An avocado a day can assure that you are eating a healthy dose of high dietary fibre.
7. Prunes :

There are two types of fibres available soluble and insoluble and prunes contain both in rich amounts. They have a good laxative effect. They help to reduce blood cholesterol and help to reduce blood glucose levels. They are high in disease fighting antioxidants and help in keeping a person healthy. They contain a high amount of dietary fibres and help reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood glucose level. Prunes contain sorbitol which have a natural laxative effect on the body. One cup of uncooked prunes contain 12 gm of fibre. They are one of the best source of vitamin K which prevents blood clotting. They are also vital for strong bones.They are a great source of phenols which helps to prevent oxygen damage to the cells.
6. Grapes :
Grapes are a great source of fibres and are used for preventing diseases of the heart and varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, swelling after injury or surgery, heart attack and stroke. They are used as  laxative therefore they are used as a  part of detoxification process. Grape seeds are  also used for diabetes complications such as eye problems and nerve disorders, improving wound healing and preventing tooth decay. They are also used in preventing cancer. Dried grapes and raisins are used for cough. Grape leaf is used in chronic fatigue syndrome, diarrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding, uterine bleeding and canker sores
5. Apricot :
Apricots are the most unique type of fruit and are very high in fibre and water content. A dried Apricot contains 3.1 g of fibre in every 50 gm of it whereas the fresh Apricots contain 2 g of fibre in every 3 – 5 ounce. The nutrients in Apricot have proved to be very useful specially for our eyes and heart. The high fibre content helps in preventing chronic constipation, help in the digestion process and even stomach cancer. Apricots have proved to beneficial in the treatment of anemia, arthritis and rheumatism. One should consume atleast one Apricot a day and if the person doesn’t like the taste of it he can even try the jams made from Apricots.
4. Oranges :
Oranges maybe sour to us, but we must not forget how important the Orange is to us. The fibre content of this fruit is no doubt very high compared to the other fruits and since it is readily available(mostly througout the year) unlike the other fruits it makes the Orange even more precious. One Orange contains more than 3 to 4 g of fibre. However one should avoid peeling off the fibre like threads on the outside while using making Orange juice or while using Orange in cooking. Oranges contain soluble fibre. It increases the stool bulk and it also decreases the blood cholesterol level. Orange marmalade also has a very high dietary fibre content. One can use it in puddings and other sweet dishes if he does not like to eat raw oranges.
3. Apple :
An Apple a day keeps a doctor away is surely the most true statement we have ever come across. Apple has won over all the fruits be it in sugar content, vitamin, minerals or fibre content. It is the best fruit which can keep us fit at all times. The Apple contains a very high fibre content. One whole Apple contains 5 to 6 g of fibre whereas a half apple contains 2 to 4 g of fibre. However, one should avoid removing the skin of the Apple while consuming one because you lose around 1 to 2 g of fibre which will prove to be a very big loss. The fibre present in an Apple is soluble and is very useful is reducing the fat content in the body. Most of the fibre content is present int he skin. The fibre also helps in the digestion process and prevents constipation.
2. Papaya:
Papaya contains important nutrients including potassium, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains digestive enzymes and breakdown proteins. Papaya also contains fibres which is essential in proper bowel movement and provides roughage. This fleshy fruit helps in proper blood circulation and also acts as a blood purifier. It also has been used in traditional system of medicine due to its wide variety of health benefits. It is rich in fibres and lowers cholesterol levels. It contains enzymes which helps  oxidation of cholesterol which prevents heart attacks. It helps in building immunity which prevents cold, cough and fever. Papaya prevents premature aging as it dissolves dead cells. Papaya also helps in preventing constipation and indigestion.
Banana is the richest fruit in fibres. It has laxative effect and helps in formation of bulky stools. Its sweet taste cannot be avoided by anyone and hence this fruit is loved by everyone. Banana has a very high fibre content and many do not know about this fact. Banana is a very important fruit and should be added in our diet everyday. It is not very hard to find as it is available throughout the year. It also contains vitamin B6 which helps in regulation of blood cholesterol level. However unripe bananas may cause constipation and eating too many ripe bananas may cause bloating of the stomach. The fibre in the banana helps in prevention of obesity and high cholesterol. One can even try adding banana powder to the milk. It not only tastes good but also boosts the energy level.
A diet rich in fibre is very essential specially in today’s world, where people are victims of obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes etc. due to the their diet which is rich in saturated fats. Hence one must include fruits in their diet to increase the fibre content in the body.

HEALTH INFO - Top 10 Natural Simple Ways to Avoid Pimples

Article by Kavya Parnami

Pimples are considered as a girl’s worst nightmare. The first thing that comes to a girl’s mind, when she sees a pimple on her face is how to get rid of it, as soon as possible. People with oily skin, usually have more pimples as a result of excess oil. They can be in the form of blackhead or whitehead and pimples can even lead to swelling of the skin. Healthy, glowing and pimple free skin is something that every person wishes for. But, since every person has different skin type, it is not possible for everyone to get a pimple free skin. But, as it is said, that every problem has a solution, and thus there are many solutions available for pimple problem also. We can get rid of pimples either by using cosmetic products or through natural remedies. Cosmetic products such as cream are usually costly and may have side effects which can damage our skin even more. Natural remedies are the best means to get a glowing pimple free skin as they are more effective and also do not possess any side effects. There are many natural remedies that can be used to get rid of pimples, some may be more effective and some may have a little effect. This article gives the list of top 10 natural remedies that can be used, to avoid pimples.
following good habit
Following good hygiene such as washing our face regularly helps to avoid pimples to a great extent. Cleaning our skin regularly helps to remove dead skin cell from our body and also makes our skin free from contaminants that may lead to the growth of pimples. We should clean our face thrice a day and should apply moisturizer after that. We should get enough sleep and should not over stress ourselves. We should also avoid popping our pimples if any and should also avoid cleansers as they destroy the balance of our skin. It is also advisable to walk as much as we can as it reduces pimples to a great extent. Thus we should practice good habits in order to avoid pimples.
Applying ice
Applying ice over the affected area can be used to get rid of pimples as quickly as possible, since it freezes the skin pores and thus removes the oil and dirt which have been entrapped in the pores or collected on the skin. Ice reduces swelling of the skin and thus immediately leads to the smoothening of the skin. We can either use crushed ice or can use ice cubes directly. We should not apply ice directly to the affected area, rather should wrap it in a cloth and then apply it over the pimples. Also, it is advisable, to apply ice daily, as it will help to avoid pimples, as it is said, prevention is better than cure.
Applying honey
Honey can also be used to avoid pimples. Applying honey over our face helps to stop pimples. We should apply honey at regular basis in order to avoid pimples. Honey not only prevents pimples from coming but also helps to treat them. Applying honey over pimples will help to get rid of pimples as soon as possible. Honey contains an antibiotic that not only reduces inflammation and heals the affected area but also protect our skin from other infections. We should apply honey for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash our face with water to get a healthy and glowing skin.
Having healthy diet
Pimples can also be avoided if we follow a particular diet in our routine. We should reduce carbohydrates in our diet such as pasta, bread, etc. We should also consume less sugar in order to avoid pimples. We should avoid dairy products and if we consume them, we should take them in fermented state such as in the form of natural yogurt, goat cheese, etc. Also, we should drink a wholesome amount of water as it is very effective in avoiding pimples. Thus we should try and follow a vegetarian and healthy diet if we want to avoid pimples and get rid of them for lifetime.

Applying lemon juice over our face with a cotton swab is also a way of avoiding pimples. This method can also be used in order to get rid of pimples as soon as possible. Applying fresh lemon juice over the affected area can remove pimple overnight. We should avoid using lemon juice which has preservatives and also it is advisable to avoid this technique in case of sensitive skin as it might lead to rashes. Thus, lemons can be used to give us a pimple free skin.
rubbing garlic
Garlic can also be used to avoid pimples as eating a raw garlic clove per day will lead to purification of blood and will stop the pimples from coming. Garlic can also be used to remove pimples if any, as it contains sulphur which behaves as an antiseptic, an antiviral, an antioxidant and an antifungal agent and thus is very effective for healing pimples. Rubbing garlic over the pimples makes them vanish really quickly without leaving any ugly rashes or scars behind. After rubbing garlic, we should leave it for 5 minutes and then wash it with water and should repeat this process 5 – 6 times in order to get fast results.
applying baking soda
Applying a mixture of baking soda with lemon juice is very effective in preventing and curing pimples. It can be used for any kind of skin, may it be sensitive, oily, dry, etc, as it does not contains any chemicals which may lead to skin irritation. It is advisable to wash our face and clean our skin to make it dirt free, before applying baking soda. We should then wash our face after few minutes as applying the paste for longer time can make our skin dry. After washing our face with water, we should then apply moisturizer for better results. Thus, baking soda can also be used for quick and effective pimple avoidance and treatment.
applying toothpaste
Toothpaste is used to cure pimples quickly. Applying toothpaste over the pimples, will dry them and will make them disappear very soon. We should use white toothpaste for pimple treatment as it contains silica and also it is advisable to apply toothpaste after applying ice over our face. We should then rinse off the toothpaste after 25 to 30 minutes with cold water. This therapy should be repeated 2 to 3 times a day for effective removal of pimples as fast as possible. Thus, toothpaste helps to reduce swelling and provide us with glowing skin.
rubbing aloe vera
Aloe vera is great for treating pimples and also helps in avoiding them. It not only cures pimples but also helps to remove oil from our skin and makes it soft and healthy. Moreover, it can be used to cool down our skin and also prevent our skin from any type of infection and irritation. It can be used to cure sun burns and redness if any. Aloe vera used should be taken from a fresh plant and rubbed over affected area to cure it. It can also be rubbed on regular basis in order to avoid pimples and other skin infections.
Steaming helps the skin pores to open up and thus helps our skin to breathe. There may be a lot of dirt, oil and bacteria trapped in our skin which can lead to skin irritation and swelling. Steam helps to remove all these which are trapped in the skin pores and thus cure pimples. We should take steam therapy for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse our face with warm water. We should then apply moisturizer in order to prevent our skin from drying. Thus, steam therapy is really effective in pimple treatment and also provides our skin an eye catching glow.

COMMUNICATION - Assertiveness - Tips & Techniques

This page provides some simple tips and techniques that you can use to improve your assertiveness skills and also to help others to express themselves in a more assertive way.
By being assertive we can feel better about ourselves - improving self-esteem and personal confidence.  Sometimes the way we react and respond to others can make us feel inadequate, guilty or regretful.  These may be signs of passive behaviour.  We may also feel angry and critical of others during conversations, this may be a sign of more aggressive behaviour.  
This page details some ways that both passive and aggressive communication can be reduced and replaced with assertive communication, which in turn will lead to more positive interpersonal interactions.
When practising these assertiveness techniques it is important to remember what assertiveness is and its importance in the communication process. Being assertive is not the same as being aggressive; on the contrary, assertiveness means standing up for what you believe. Assertiveness is expressing your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and opinions in an honest and appropriate way. As assertiveness should be encouraged in others it is also important to remember that we should always respect the thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs of other people.
Assertiveness allows individuals to assert their personal rights without undermining the rights of others.  Assertiveness is considered a balanced response, being neither passive nor aggressive, with self-confidence playing an important part.  An assertive person responds as an equal to others and aims to be open in expressing their wishes, thoughts and feelings.

General Techniques of Assertiveness

Two key techniques that can aid assertiveness are known as "Fogging" and the "Stuck Record" technique.


Fogging is a useful technique if people are behaving in a manipulative or aggressive way.
Rather than arguing back, fogging aims to give a minimal, calm response, using terms that are placating but not defensive, while at the same time not agreeing to meet demands.
Fogging involves agreeing with any truth that may be contained within statements, even if critical. By not responding in the expected way, in other words by being defensive or argumentative, the other person will cease confrontation as the desired effect is not being achieved. When the atmosphere is less heated, it will be possible to discuss the issues more reasonably.
Fogging is so termed because the individual acts like a 'wall of fog' into which arguments are thrown, but not returned.

Example Situation

“What time do you call this? You're nearly half an hour late, I'm fed up with you letting me down all the time.”
Fogging response:
“Yes, I am later than I hoped to be and I can see this has annoyed you.”
“Annoyed? Of course I'm annoyed, this has left me waiting for ages. You really should try to think about other people a bit more.”
Fogging response:
“Yes, I was concerned that you would be left waiting for almost half an hour.”
“Well... why were you late?”

The Stuck Record Technique

The Stuck Record technique employs the key assertive skill of 'calm persistence'.
It involves repeating what you want, time and time again, without raising the tone of your voice, becoming angry, irritated, or involved in side issues.

Example Situation

Imagine that you are returning something that is faulty to a store. The conversation may go as follows.
“I bought these shoes last week and the heels have fallen off. I would like a refund please.”
“It looks like they've been worn a lot and these shoes were only designed for occasional wear.”
Stuck Record technique response:
“I have only had them a week and they are faulty. I would like a refund please.”
“You cannot expect me to give you your money back after you've worn them out.”
Stuck Record technique response:
“The heels have fallen off after only a week and I would like a refund please.”
... and so on.

Continually repeating a request will ensure the discussion does not become side-tracked and involved in irrelevant argument. The key is to stay calm, be very clear in what you want, stick to the point and not give up. Accept a compromise only if you are happy with the outcome.

Positive and Negative Enquiry

Positive Enquiry

Positive enquiry is a simple technique for handling positive comments such as praise and compliments. 
People often struggle with responding to praise and compliments, especially those with lower self-esteem as they may feel inadequate or that the positive comments are not justified.  It is important to give positive feedback to others when appropriate but also to react appropriately to positive feedback that you receive.
Positive enquiry is used to find out more details about the compliment or praise given, and agree with it:

Example Situation

“You made an excellent meal tonight, it was delicious!”
“Thanks. Yes, it was good. What did you like about it in particular?”
This is different from a passive response that may have been:
"It was no effort" or "It was just a standard recipe"

Negative Enquiry

The opposite of positive enquiry is negative enquiry.  Negative enquiry is a way to respond to more negative exchanges such as receiving criticism.
Dealing with criticism can be difficult, remember that any criticism received is just somebody's opinion. See our page: Dealing with Criticism for more information.
Negative enquiry is used to find out more about critical comments and is a good alternative to more aggressive or angry responses to criticism.

Example Situation

“That meal was practically inedible, I can't remember the last time I ate something so awful”
“It wasn't the best, exactly what didn’t you like about it?”
This is different from a aggressive response that may have been:
"How dare you, I spent all afternoon preparing that meal" or "Well that's the last time I cook for you"

Learn to think about your responses and how you behave when you communicate with others.
By using techniques designed to make you more assertive you will find that generally your communication and other interpersonal interactions are more positive.


COMMUNICATION - Dealing with Non-Assertiveness

Dealing with Passive Behaviour

People often behave in a passive way because of low self-esteem or confidence.  Assertive behaviour should aim to make it clear that the other person's contributions are valued. Remember that it is possible to value someone's contribution without necessarily agreeing with it. 
As well as being more assertive ourselves, assertiveness should also be encouraged in others so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions freely without feeling under pressure to say certain things.
Assertiveness can be encouraged by using well honed interpersonal skills such as listening, questioning, reflection and clarification.
Some ways to demonstrate that you value the other person's contribution:
·         Encourage contribution through open questioning, by asking opinions, and by drawing people into the discussion in group situations.

·         Listen closely to what someone has to say before continuing the conversation.

·         Show that you are interested in what someone has to say through appropriate questioning, reflecting, clarification and summarising skills. 

·         Show that you value the other person's contribution through the use of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communications such as nodding, smiling, good eye contact and encouraging language. 

·         Encourage people to be more open in voicing their feelings, wishes and ideas.

·         Not allow yourself to take responsibility for decisions that should be made jointly.

The more a person is able to contribute and feel that their contribution is valued, the more they will feel valued as an individual.  The experience of positive feedback will help to increase a person's self-confidence.  The whole chain of events should enable the person concerned to overcome any passive reactions and behave more assertively.

Dealing with Aggressive Behaviour

Handling aggressive behaviour in others is particularly difficult when it is accompanied by negative attitudes.  To avoid responding defensively or aggressively, self control is required. It should be noted that aggressive behaviour here refers to verbal and non-verbal messages and not to any form of physical violence. For dealing with potentially violent aggression.
Key strategies that can help to deal with aggressive behaviour:
·         Maintain self control.  Although anger can sometimes be a positive force, responding in a similarly angry manner will do little to discourage aggression.  If appropriate, be prepared to take time to think over issues before entering into discussion.  It might be helpful to say something like, “I need time to think about that” or “Can we talk about this tomorrow when we have more time?”. 

·         Remember that other people have a right to their emotions, including anger.  Try to understand why they are angry and aggressive.

·         Pausing, counting to ten, before responding to an outburst can help to avoid answering in an automatic, defensive or aggressive way.

·         Avoid argument and defensiveness and try to maintain calm.

·         Try to find areas of agreement with the other person, rather than focusing on the disagreements.

·         Find and demonstrate ways in which decisions and solutions can be shared, e.g. “How can we find a solution to this?”. 

·         Try to show some empathy with the other person, how do you feel when you are angry with others?  

Often it is difficult for a person behaving aggressively to calm down and see things from a broader point of view, since anger can be an expression of personal frustration. The application of the above techniques should help you to express yourself assertively, rather than aggressively. This should help to defuse the situation and result in more positive and effective communication.

Dealing with Demands

Dealing with unacceptable demands can be a daunting experience and having the courage to be assertive in such circumstances is not easy for some people.  It must always be acknowledged that everyone has the right not to fulfil a demand.
When faced with a demand, consideration should be given to the following:
·         Most people are strongly influenced by stereotypes, for example those of the efficient manager or the selfless mother.  Such generalisations can sometimes place unreasonable demands, expectations and unfair burdens upon those holding particular roles.  Everyone has the right not to accept the demands associated with such roles.

·         When rejecting a demand, it is important to explain that it is the demand that is being rejected and not the person.

·         People often feel that others have a right to their time and effort.  You have a right to say “no” without having to justify yourself.

·         Having rejected a demand, it is important to keep to that decision. If you crumble under pressure, others will learn you can be swayed, so be firm. You do of course have the right to change your mind if circumstances change.
·         In making demands, people often resort to passive or manipulative responses and may also assume a dependency upon the efforts of others.  Apart from certain exceptions, for example dependent children, everyone is responsible for themselves and undue reliance should not be placed upon others.

Dealing with Criticism

When receiving criticism:
·         Take time to decide whether it is genuine criticism or whether there is some other reason for it.

·         Acknowledge the criticism by repeating or reflecting it. You might respond “So you feel that I...

·         Acknowledge any truthful elements of the criticism.

·         If the criticism includes an element of truth, try to avoid the common response of lashing back with counter criticism. Criticism with a hint of truth tends to be wounding, but it may be offered in the hope that it will be used constructively.

Giving Criticism

·         Criticism can be tempered or appear less brutal when it is given alongside support for the other person, in essence by ensuring it is a criticism of the action rather than the person.  Begin with a supportive comment such as “I appreciate all the work you've put in on this, but we have a problem with...”
·         Any sentence that begins 'You are' will cause offence and should be avoided at all cost, unless it ends with a compliment.

·         Keep any criticism specific and avoid generalities, for example “It was late when you picked  up the children today” rather than “You're always late.”  Generalised statements may not reflect the reality of a situation and have a tendency to imply that the individual is at fault when the problem may have been caused by other difficulties or unforeseen circumstances.

·         It is preferable to avoid blaming someone else for causing your emotions, for example “You make me so angry when...”  It is better to focus on yourself as the centre of your own emotions and, as an alternative to the statement above, you could say “I feel very angry when you...”

Giving and Receiving Compliments

·         Some people find the giving and receiving of compliments difficult or embarrassing.  Some find the need to either shrug them off or return them. Complimenting is a positive way of giving support, showing approval and increasing the other person's self-confidence.

·         If a compliment is rejected, the person giving it may feel embarrassed or discounted and might be less likely to pay a compliment in the future.
·         When giving a compliment, ensure it is genuine.

·         Positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement.
·         If a compliment is not appropriate then find a way to say thank you or offer some praise.