27 February 2014

WOMEN - Burn Fat While You Sleep? How To Activate Your Fat Burning Hormone Tonight.

Posted In Health & Wellness

Source: http://www.justformetoday.com

Fuel your fat burning engine – even while you’re sleeping.  New research has revealed a breakthrough discovery now being used by thousands of women to sky-rocket their fat burning process by simply activating a little-known hormone.
In our special guest presentation below, you’ll hear from University of Florida professor, John Barban.
In this short video, he reveals how you can activate this hormone today and literally expect to drop up to 3 dress sizes inside of a week.
He also shows how to strategically eat the foods you crave most (Yay!), and still experience a slimmer waistline. Plus, you’ll also learn which common foods touted as “healthy” can make losing a single pound virtually impossible for women.
Discover this same life-changing information John has taught to thousands of women around the world so you can quickly and easily get the body you’ve always dreamed ofWatch now below.

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 178 (27/02/2014)

1771.            On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months.

1772.            Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump."

1773.            A diet high in fat is said to impede memory.

1774.            There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee. Of these, only 26 have
    been tested, and half-caused cancer in rats.

1775.            Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars.

1776.            Every year approximately 2,500 left-handed people are killed by using object or
    machinery designed for right-handed people.

1777.            The heart of an adult giraffe weighs on average 26 pounds.

1778.            Two million red blood cells die every second.

1779.            The first American astronaut in space was Alan B. Shepard Jr.

1780.            The world record for donut eating is held by John Haight, who ate 29 donuts
    (52 ounces) in a little over six minutes.

26 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 177 (26/02/2014)

1761.            Chances of a women getting breast cancer are increased by excesseive use of

1762.            A common name for pincurls is also spitcurls because woman sometimes wet their
    hair with their saliva before curling it.

1763.            The first hot air balloon flight traveled for 5.5 miles over Paris and lasted for 23

1764.            Birds do not sweat, as they do not have sweat glands.

1765.            Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan once wore a Nazi uniform while acting in a
    film during his Hollywood days. The name of the movie was "Desperate Journey,"
    which was filmed in 1942.

1766.            The town of Olney, Illinois celebrates a "Squirrel Day" festival to honour the 200
    albino squirrels that live in the town. The festival includes a squirrel blessing by a

1767.            In the United States there are about three million honey producing colonies.

1768.            Adult earwigs can float in water for up to 24 hours.

1769.            January is named for the Roman god Janus. Janus was a temple god who could
    look forward and backward at the same time.

1770.            Pepper was sold as individual grains during the Elizabethan times. The guards at
    the London docks had to sew up their pockets so they would not steal any of the

25 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 176 (25/02/2014)

1751.            The largest ketchup bottle in the world is a 170 feet tall and is located in Collinsville,
    Illinois, USA. It was built in 1949 by the W.E. Caldwell Company as a water tower.

1752.            Bo Jackson set a Monday Night Football record by rushing for 222 yards in one
    game against the Seattle Seahawks, including a 91-yard TD run.

1753.            There are approximately 75,000,000 horses in the world.

1754.            The fins of the Spiny Dogfish Shark are sometimes used as sandpaper for wood

1755.            The Super Bowl is so popular that it is the number on at-home party event of the

1756.            There was a time in Japan where a wife being left handed was a ground for divorce
                               The United States produces enough plastic film annually to cover the entire state of

1758.            It is possible to get high by licking a toad. The Cane Toad produces a toxin called
    bufotenine to ward off predators. When licked, this toxin acts as a hallucinogen.

1759.            Stinging insects kills approximately 25 people annually in the U.S.

1760.            The first commercial microwave oven was called the "1161 Radarange" and was
    the size of a refrigerator.

24 February 2014

AIRCRAFT STORIES - World needs pilots! Record growth leads to record need

By Charlotte Glennie, for CNN
February 24, 2014 -- Updated 0050 GMT (0850 HKT)
Airbus is doing brisk business in Asia --- but there may not be enough pilots to fly the planes it's selling there.
Airbus is doing brisk business in Asia --- but there may not be enough pilots to fly the planes it's selling there.
  • Expert says, "If we set up 100 flying schools tomorrow, it wouldn't be enough."
  • As many as half a million new pilots needed globally
  • Asia's airplane fleet expected to triple over next 20 years
  • Mechanics and other qualified ground crew also in short supply
(CNN) -- A 35% increase in demand for air travel.
A tripling of the region's airplane fleet.
Up to nearly 13,000 new planes needed.
Predictions for growth in the Asia Pacific aviation industry over the next two decades are impressive.
But one question keeps recurring in the region and, indeed, around the globe.
Will there be enough pilots to fly the new planes and enough technicians to maintain them?
"The airlines say, 'OK, we've just bought a bunch of airplanes and we've put in all our funding into the airplane,'" says Bony Sharma, vice president of Mil-Com Aerospace Group, a Singapore-based aviation training company.
"Now where does the funding come in to train the pilots, to train the engineers, to train even the management people, to keep these airplanes operational and safe and flying? That's the biggest challenge that we're facing."
Boeing modeled its wares at February\'s Singapore Airshow.
Boeing modeled its wares at February's Singapore Airshow.
100 flight schools 'still not enough'
Mil-Com runs training for a number of Asia-based airlines, including the privately owned Vietnamese carrier VietJet Air.
Earlier in February, the low-cost carrier signed a $6.4 billion contract with Airbus for 63 new single-aisle A320 planes, the lease of seven and the option to buy a further 30 aircraft.
Like so many of Asia Pacific's low cost carriers, however, VietJet Air is struggling to recruit enough personnel to fulfill its lofty ambitions, due to what Sharma describes as an "extremely serious" shortage of pilots.
"All the airlines in Vietnam are heavily dependent on international pilots," says Sharma. "They're competing from the same pool of pilots as the Middle East, with the growth of Singapore, the growth of AirAsia. It's that same pool that all these airlines are competing for, so it's a big challenge in Vietnam."
Mil-Com has been working with VietJet Air since it was founded in 2011, training engineers, technicians and cabin crew.
At February's Singapore Airshow, Mil-Com and Eagle Flight Training of New Zealand signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Vietnam's Aerospace Engineering Services JSC (AESC), to open a flight school in Vietnam, focused on training pilots.
"Even if we set up 100 airplane flying schools tomorrow, it still wouldn't be enough," says Sharma. "The shortage is that extreme."
Half a million pilots needed globally
Released in August 2013, the Boeing Pilot and Technical Market Outlook for 2013-2032 forecasts nearly half a million new commercial airline pilots will be needed to fly all the new airplanes entering the world fleet over the next 20 years.
The problem is acute in Asia Pacific.
There the Boeing report says the explosion in demand for air travel will mean 192,300 new pilots will be required by 2032, including 77,400, or 40% of them, in China.
It's an issue the industry is working to address.
"What we can do is partner with governments, partner with training agencies, partner with airlines and focus a training curriculum that allows the training of those pilots," says Randy Tinseth, vice president of marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "We're trying to get out in front of it."
Together with partner airlines, Boeing runs pilot training schools in Singapore, South Korea, Australia, Japan and China.
According to Star Alliance, All Nippon Airways\' (ANA) is the world\'s ninth largest carrier, operating about a thousand flights per day.
According to Star Alliance, All Nippon Airways' (ANA) is the world's ninth largest carrier, operating about a thousand flights per day.
Ground crew also in short supply
Boeing's chief competitor Airbus has a training school in Beijing and last week announced a new joint venture with Singapore Airlines to set up a $64 million facility, offering full pilot training in Singapore.
Mil-Com works in China, too, with joint venture training centers in Xian in central northwest China and in Tianjin southeast of Beijing.
As in Vietnam, the country is heavily dependent on foreign pilots because of the shortage of trained locals.
Sharma says pilots in China are paid 25% more than anywhere else in the region, and even then airlines have problems holding on to them for any more than a couple of years.
But he warns there's an even more pressing area of concern in the region.
"Everybody talks about the sexy industry of pilots," he says. "Nobody talks about the poor mechanic who's in the hangar working day and night, in sweat, rain and humidity."
"That's challenge number one -- attract the talent pool, because a lot of kids just say, 'Yeah I'd rather be an IT guy, work in an air-conditioned office, rather than be standing in these conditions working on an airplane,'" says Sharma. "So that's a big, big challenge to attract the right talent."
According to Boeing's Pilot and Technical Market Outlook, Asia Pacific will need 215,300 new maintenance technicians to service the new airplanes entering the region between now and 2032.
That's 43% of the projected global demand for technicians.
David Stewart is a UK-based aviation analyst for ICF International, a government and commercial consultancy based in the Washington, D.C. area.
"You can get a new pilot in 18 months," he says. "You can take it from zero, to being in the right hand seat, in 18 months. It might worry some people, but that's the truth."
"And if you're growing at Japan Airlines you can go and recruit out of a low-fare carrier because the pilot at the low-fare carrier wants to fly a bigger plane. So the people who've got the problem finding the pilots are the low-fare carriers, the bottom of the food chain.
"Mechanics take five years before you can sign off a plane certificate for release. So the supply chain is much more difficult there because it takes longer for it to react."
AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes has built the Malaysia-based company into Asia\'s largest budget carrier.
AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandes has built the Malaysia-based company into Asia's largest budget carrier.
Same problems, new solution?
Stewart says pilot shortages have been talked about for years, as has the shortage of mechanics in the United States, yet somehow the issue always gets sorted out.
Boeing's Randy Tinseth agrees.
"The market's going to double over the next 15 to 20 years, but remember it doubled over the last 15 to 20 years that we've just come through," he says. "It's something we can manage through, but we have to get out ahead of it."
Relatively hidden among the thousand-plus exhibitors at last week's Singapore Airshow was a small Florida-based company called DiSTI, which says it has the software to help contribute to the industry getting ahead.
DiSTI does virtual maintenance training for military aircraft, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the F-16.
During a demonstration, in what looks like a video game, a maintenance technician circles an aircraft, in 3D.
DiSTI President Joseph Swinski says his company is engaging the digital generation by giving them a platform they can relate to, with real training value.
"The aircraft's always running just like it would be in the real world," he says. "So if somebody goes and pulls the wire somewhere or breaks a wire, the whole aircraft will then function in the way that it does in the real world. It's a much more realistic training."
DiSTI global sales manager Christopher Giordano says by using software, you can train more cheaply, more quickly and more effectively.
"Stereotypical maintenance training right now is all done with hardware," says Giordano. "Hardware's extremely expensive to build and it breaks a lot. So if you go into a virtual world and you break something, all you need to do is hit reset and you can continue your training."
The company hopes to break into the market for training commercial aircraft maintenance technicians, but concedes this could still be some years away.
"We find the commercial guys are a little bit slower to adopt things than the military," says Swinski. "The military likes to try things out and then validate it."
"The commercial guys seem to want to wait until the military's done all that, make sure it works right and then they take a look at it. So we're kind of at that point right now."
As technology improves, simulation-based pilot certification training is also starting to take on a greater role internationally.
Asia Pacific has all the predictions for growth.
Whether its support systems keep pace with demand remains to be seen.
Charlotte Glennie is an award-winning journalist living in Singapore. She's worked as a foreign correspondent based out of both Beijing and Hong Kong.

PEOPLE - Japanese Astronaut Creates Amazing Light Spirals in Space (Photos)

A Japanese astronaut created a microgravity, multicolored light show on the International Space Station in the name of art.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Kiochi Wakata has been using a specialized device that can to create swirly light art in weightlessness on the orbiting outpost. Known as a "spiral top," the instrument is outfitted with LED lights so that when spun, the top will create light trails that can be captured in photos.
"In microgravity, the center of gravity of the spinning top continuously and randomly moves while it is spinning," JAXA officials said in an experiment description. "Using the characteristics of the top in microgravity, the project tries to produce various light arts using its unexpected movements/spins, by changing attaching locations of its arms and weights." [See more amazing photos from astronaut Kiochi Wakata]
The end result of those spins in microgravity is an amazing light portrait that looks otherworldly. Wakata posted a few photos on Twitter earlier in January 2014 that show blue, green, yellow and red spirals shooting through a module on the space station. "Potential of what zero-gravity can create is unlimited!" Wakata (@Astro_Wakata) wrote on Twitter in a post from Jan. 6.
"When we ask astronauts to carry out an art experiment, they work on it with great excitement and enthusiasm," Keiji Tachikawa, president of JAXA, said in a 2011 Q&A. "I believe that experiments for the humanities and social sciences have a great deal of meaning. How we can culturally reflect the wonderful results that have been achieved thus far — this will be a moment of truth."
This isn't the first time JAXA has worked with a spiral top, originally created by Takuro Osaka. Astronauts used an earlier version of the experiment to create light art in 2009 on the space station as well.
Wakata is currently one of six international crewmembers living and working on the International Space Station. NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio, cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin, Sergey Ryazanskiy and Oleg Kotov join him to round out the space laboratory's Expedition 38 crew. Mastracchio, Tyurin and Wakata are scheduled to fly back to Earth aboard their Russian Soyuz spacecraft in May.
The $100 billion space station is the largest structure ever built in space. It has the wingspan of a football field and the living space of a five-bedroom house. Crews of astronauts and cosmonauts have continuously staffed the orbiting outpost since 2000.
Follow Miriam Kramer @mirikramer and Google+. Follow us@SpacedotcomFacebook and Google+. Original article on Space.com.

Copyright 2014 SPACE.com, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://my.news.yahoo.com

MALAYSIA - ‘Expand Sabah Air to counter Air Asia threat’

February 23, 2014
The party said the Musa administration should not succumb to Tony Fernandes’ threat to take his business elsewhere.
tony fernandes MABKOTA KINABALU: Sabah MCA has not taken kindly to Air Asia chief executive officer Tony Fernandes’ threat to ditch the state and move his operations elsewhere if the current deadlock with Malaysian Airports Berhad and Transport Ministry is not resolved soon.
MAB wants Air Asia to shift its operations to the new Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA). But Fernandes has refused.
The party’s Penampang division has suggested to Chief Minister Musa Aman an alternative plan. Penampang division chief Francis Goh has proposed that the Sabah Government expand the operations of Sabah Air Aviation (Sabah Air) by acquiring more aircrafts and introducing commercial flights.
He said the state government should not succumb to Fernandes’ threat and that expanding Sabah Air is a viable option in view of the state’s growing tourism industry.
He said Air Asia was not the only low budget airline servicing the sector and that Malindo Air offered similar rates but with “better service and facilities”.
He also dismissed Fernandes’ argument that increases in air fare, as a result of their shift to KKIA, would affect consumers.
Fernandes had said moving to KKIA was not feasible and economical. He said the high operating cost at the main terminal would force the airline to hike prices and consumers would have to pay more.
Currently the airport tax for domestic flights at Terminal 1 is RM9 and RM6 for Terminal 2 while for international flights the charges are RM65 and RM32 respectively.
But Goh argued that the taxes were fare and that consumers would not mind paying slightly more for better services.
No word from state government  
He cited the new Malindo Air which exited from KLIA  in Sepang and was doing well in this sector.
“Although the fares between both airlines are similar, Malindo Air is considered cheaper because the price includes luggage and light refreshments.“Passengers on Malindo Air can also enjoy movies during their journey while the seats are more comfortable,” he said.
He further added that travelers did not have to suffer the inconvenience of walking under the sun and rain during boarding times and KLIA had an aerobridge.
Goh said it was hard to believe that Air Asia, which has been in operations for more than 10 years, was unable to provide better services but expected preferences.
It was reported yesterday that the ongoing tussle between Air Asia and Malaysia Airport Berhard (MAB) would have an adverse effect on Sabah Tourism which last year grossed RM6.38 billion
Fernandes had reportedly said that the stalemate situation had forced Air Asia to put on the backburner its plans to make KK into its flight hub for north Asia and Australia routes.
Thus far the Sabah government has stayed away from the tussle between Air Asia and MAB.
Fernandes had reportedly met with Musa recently over the issue.
Visit fmtborneoplus for extensive coverage on Sabah and Sarawak

Source: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com