30 March 2013

HEART HEALTH - Prevention

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There's lots you can do to keep your heart healthy - whatever your age. Taking exercise, eating a healthy diet, encouraging children to be heart healthy and being aware of dangers such as smoking, drinking, high blood pressure, and stress are all important for your long term heart health. 


Prevention is as relevant to people who already have heart disease as it is for everyone else. In every case it's all about getting the balance right.
People of all ages who are physically active are less likely to get cardiovascular disease as those that are inactive. And a healthy diet helps to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, or if you've already got heart problems it will help to protect your heart. 

Am I at risk?

We should all be thinking about our heart health and what we can do to keep as healthy as possible. Taking our online lifestyle check is a great place to find out where to start. 

Looking for support?
Our online magazine, heart matters, has great information and tips on how to keep your heart healthy. Read other people's stories of living with heart disease and hear what our experts have to say about risk factors like high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Heart health advice in different languages
Bangladeshi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu

Your ethnic background can increase your risk of getting coronary heart disease. Find out what your risks are, and get advice on small lifestyle changes you can make to reduce them.


Read more about how to look after your heart in our booklet Dbaj o zdrowe serce – Informacje dla Polaków.

British Sign Language

Practical steps to a healthy heart is a series of videos we produced in British Sign Language (BSL). The videos focus on Stephen Derring's story, and help you understand the risk factors associated with getting coronary heart disease.

They'll make you think about some things you could do to keep your heart healthy.