18 March 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - About Training


By Faudzil Harun

A Leader's Main Accountability
A leader must plan, organize and lead activities for the development of his

What is Training?

Basically training are activities planned and organized to impart skills,
techniques and methodologies in establishing the development of characters,
acquirement of knowledge and enhancement of skills systematically, so that
the person can have the abilities and proficiency to perform his task at the
required standard.

Why Training?

Things change every second globally. We must respond to changes in
technology and methodology because organizational growth relies so much on
the people around us. We must learn new skills and develop new abilities in
order to stay competitive. 

What is the Goal of Training?

To improve a team by maximizing the efficiency and performance of its

Types of Training

Basically, there are two types of training; a formal and non-formal training.

Categories of Training

Induction Training

Activities or deliverable designed to enable end users to learn and use new
processes, procedures. Standards, systems and other tools efficiently and
effectively in the performance of their work; includes working environment,
documentation and communication.

Characteristic or Behavioral Training

Activities involving basic training in development of positive mental attitudes
that emphasized in delivering motivational and encouragement lectures.

Knowledge Enhancement Training

Learning activities involving getting information about new or updated matters
e.g. technique, method, legislation etc.

Skill Training

Activities involving hard skill and soft skill learning to increase work
performance and creativity.

Management Training

Activities involving training in organizational growth through the management
of people, system, risk and planning of strategies.

Who Conducts or Deliver Training?


The person who conducts educating or instructing activities that impart
knowledge or enhancement of skill and arranging conditions to bring learning
as planned. Training teaches the techniques or mechanics of some skill. 
A trainer answers the question, “How”?


The person who assist, encourage and support a group of people by providing
the knowledge and helps a learning process by discovering things for
themselves, guides a discussion or activity, manage the use of a group
decision. A facilitator is one who sets up a learning environment that
promotes the cause of self-discovery.


The person (who has the significant experience) who develops another person
through the transfer of experience and the opportunity to seek alternative
perspectives. The process is being done through a formal relationship.


The person who conducts planned short-term instructional activities, typically
includes simple practice, encouragement, advise, instruction on test-taking
strategies, and so forth and the act of helping another person through a piece
of theory or a drill.


A person who gives instructions and seems to be like a trainer. Maybe an instructor is a trainer of people. When an instructor instructs someone, generally means he is telling someone what to do. This works in some learning situation, but not in many.


A presenter operates on their agenda. The script has been written, the notes
are in order, the presentation materials are lined up and the time clock is set.
A presenter is generally concern about covering their material. The participant
is just that – there to participate in the presenter’s agenda. Little value is
given to the participant’s outcome.

How you view the learning experience and what you believe is rather important but one need to be flexible to suit the audience is best.

Training Method
Some trainers have one or two favorite methods which they feel most
comfortable with or which they are most familiar with. They will tend to use
their favorite methods in most of their program. Choosing a method of
delivery however, will depend on what is to be accomplished. A good trainer
will choose a method that will best achieve the learning objectives.

Before talking about training, one should consider the several different kinds
of performance because different training methods and materials are
appropriate for each of them.

Speech Method
●  Covers anything involves talking
●  Learners must be able to listen to what they have said.
●  Viewing visual will help learners to improve their delivery style.

Recall Method
●  Memorizing and remembering things.
●  A job aid may be more desirable rather than expecting learners to
    remember things.

Skill Demonstration Method
●  Specific skills are being taught and corrected.
●  Trying out several ways (the correct and the wrong way).

Discrimination Method
●  Distinguishing between objects or between what is and what ought to be.
●  Identify the different between items and forming mental images of which
    are which.

Problem Solving Method
●  Identify the symptoms of problems.
●  Analyzing the possible causes of the problem.
●  Strategies to solve the problem.

Interaction Technique 

Audio Visual
●  Easier way to deliver message.
●  Getting viewer’s attention and can be viewed repeatedly.
●  May cause strain to the eyes.

●  Getting participants to do things by sequence instruction.
●  Questioning must receive immediate feedbacks.
●  Helps participant to do things systematically.

●  Getting people to share opinion.
●  Increase individual participation and to stay focus.
●  The smaller the group the better but it consume more time.

Case Study
●  Bringing theory to a concrete level and concentrate on the application of
●  Analyze a description of a problem or situation and suggest appropriate
●  A time consuming event.

Games and Exercises
●  Use for interpersonal skill training.
●  Debriefing of what happen during the game.
●  Sensitive and emotional situation may occur during the debriefing session.

Role Play and Situation Play
●  Trying out what they have learned to improve skill in handling.
●  Relate roles with the given situation and get immediate feedbacks from
    the viewers.

Instrumented Feedback
●  Questionnaire given prior to the learning process.
●  Learners will compare their own perception with the given one during the
●  Discussion on similarities and differences of perception will be carried out.

Behavior Modeling
●  Using visual of specific situation to illustrate how one should act in such
●  Learning through observation of other’s characteristics.

●  Making people to think, generating ideas for quantity without criticism.
●  Welcome unusual ideas, combining ideas and improving them.

●  Showing and explaining how to do things the correct and incorrect ways
    for better understanding.
●  Trainer require high skill.