19 March 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Discipline at Work


By Faudzil Harun

What is Discipline at Work?  

Discipline at work may be defined as :

The acceptance by an employee of the authority of his employer (or the later duly appointed representative) his consequent limitation of his freedom of actions within the employment relation.

The presence of discipline at work is a fundamental element in the employment relations, and the requirements of that relation cannot be accomplished unless employees accept the authority of the employer.

The Fundamentals of Discipline at Work

Discipline at work is important for various objectives, and two main 
reasons are :

Employer’s Right to Discipline Employees
The right of the employer to promote efficiency through discipline in the organization must be recognized. Discipline at work is absolutely necessary in the interest of the employees as a decline in productivity or efficiency will translate into losses for the employer and consequently pose a threat to the well being of the workforce.

Discipline for Organization Goals
Discipline at work relates to actions taken by the employer against an individual or group who has failed to comply with the rules and norms established by the employer for the attainment of organizational objectives and goals and how their actions are affecting the society at large.

The Foundation of Discipline at Work   

The employer – employee relation is the foundation of discipline at work. The binding of the relationship are made by the acceptance and fulfillment of the obligations by both party as follows :

Employer’s Obligation

1.  Provide written “understandable” information on the company’s rules and 

2.  Provide “clear” guideline on employee’s job scope and responsibilities 

     through a properly drawn job description.

3.  Provide “clear” guideline of performance standards and performance 


4.  Provide appropriate training, coaching, counseling and supervision.

5.  Provide fair and consistent enforcement of rules and procedures.

6.  Develop, communicate and implement performance measurement system.

Employee’s Obligation

1.  Present himself for work at the designated day and time.

2.  Give honest and faithful service.

3.  Provide and use reasonable skill and care in performing his duties.

4.  Obey all reasonable rules and orders given to him.

5.  Consistently practice good conduct.

6.  Give full disclosure where there can arise a conflict of interest situation.

The obligations of both parties should be clearly included in the terms and conditions of employment of a contract or agreement. Implied terms are also part of obligations by both parties.

By the fulfillment of obligations by both party, the foundation of discipline will be develop that later will be the positive culture of the workplace.

The bottom line, it's all about Human Relations ............

"Discipline is about Being Together, Working Together and Succeed Together"
- Faudzil Harun -