18 March 2013

OSH MANAGEMENT - Health Hazard


By Faudzil Harun

Some common health hazard classification are :

1.  Toxic (Very Toxic & Toxic)

     Extremely serious, acute or chronic health risk 

and even death.

2.  Corrosive

     Destroy living tissues on contact with them.

3.  Irritant

     Non corrosive but through repeated or prolonged 
contact can cause inflammation.    

4.  Harmful

     Limited health risk.

Special Precaution

5.  Carcinogens 
     Substances or products which are directly involved in the promotion of
     cancer or in the increase of its propagation if inhaled, swallowed or    
     absorbed through the skin.

6.  Mutagens
     Substances or products which changes the genetic material, usually DNA
     of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the
     natural background level
if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the
     skin. As many mutations cause 
cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely
     to be 

7.  Teratogens
     Substances or products which adverse effects on sexual function and
     fertility and cause the development of abnormal 
cell masses during fetal
     growth, resulting in physical defects in the 
fetus if inhaled, swallowed or 
     absorbed through the skin. 

Important Safety Points

Hazardous Substance Routes of Entry are :

1.  Inhalation through the lungs.
2.  Ingestion through the mouth.
3.  Absorption through the skin.
4.  Injection into some part of the body.