15 April 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Common Forms of Misconduct in Employment Relation


By Faudzil Harun

1.   Abusive/derogatory/insolent/vulgar/impertinent language towards superior.
2.   Assault of a superior.
3.   Assault of fellow worker.
4.   Assault of junior worker.
5.   Assault of company doctor.
6.   Assault of company client.
7.   Borrowing money from subordinate.
8.   Computer crimes.
9.   Conflict of interest.
10. Criminal misconduct.
11. Damaging interest of employer.
12. Damaging company’s property.
13. Defamatory attack on superior.
14. Dishonesty.
15. Disobedience.
16. Drinking or being drunk at work.
17. Failure to provide skills.
18. False complaint against superior.
19. Fighting at work.
20. Forgery or falsifying.
21. Fraud.
22. Gambling at work.
23. Insubordination.
24. Lateness (persistent).
25. Leaving earlier.
26. Misuse of company property.
27. Negligence.
28. Punch card offences.
29. Refusal to acknowledge or reply show cause letter.
30. Refusal to accept warning letter.
31. Refusal to do overtime.
32. Rudeness to superior.
33. Sexual harassment.
34. Sleeping on duty.
35. Theft.
36. Threats to superior or employer.
37. Unauthorized disclosure or private use of company business secrecy.
38. Unsafe act which endanger other person’s safety.
39. Unsatisfactory relationship with colleagues.
40. Violation of law.