15 April 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Reasons for Poor Work Performance


By Faudzil Harun

Main Reasons for Poor Performance    

There are many reasons causing poor performance. Most common reason that influence poor performance are :

1.  Weak organizational culture.
2.  Poor hiring strategies.
3.  Standard of performance and expectations are not communicated to
4.  Lack of appropriate training, coaching, counseling, instruction and supervision.
5.  Unpleasant working conditions.
6.  Poor enforcement of disciplinary rules.
7.  Lack of career advancement opportunity.

Common Specific Reasons for Poor Performance 

New Recruits
New recruits are employed usually after interview and in some cases even aptitude testing. It is not possible to weed out the potentially incompetence in a short interview and the poor performance will only surface when the employee commences employment. The probationary period in this case is most helpful to test the ability of a new recruit.     

Drastic Change 

Drastic change in the job requirements or when new technology is introduced. This would call for observation and provision of appropriate training to equip the employee with the required skills and competence.

Attitudinal factors is also a main reasons for poor performance. Managers and supervisors should be trained of how to deal with critical employees.