14 April 2013

LEADERSHIP SKILL - Team Leadership


Major Types of Team

There are many types of team. The type used depends very much on the nature of the results the team is to accomplish. It may be a well directed or a self directed team. Some of the most common type are :

●  Formed and organized to tackle on-going task in organization.
●  Selection of members is based on the position they are holding or the task they are
    performing e.g. board of directors, grievance committee, safety committee, special event
    organizing committee etc.

Problem Solving Team
●  Formed and organized to handle operational problems.
●  The team is comprised of people who perceive and experience the problem, as well as
    those who can contribute to solving it.

●  The team usually will define problems clearly and identify the causes of the problem.
●  Their overall goal is to provide a written report that includes recommendation for solving the

Self-Directed / Self-Managed Team
●  Formed and organized to develop great latitude in how they achieve the overall results
    preferred from the team.

●  The team may select it's leader who serves for a fixed result or a fixed duration.
●  This type of team is used especially when the team is working in a complex environment.

Stages of Team Development

Teams go through several important phases including the followings :

●  Members get together.
●  Individually they consider "what am I here for?", "who else is here", "who am I comfortable
    with" and so on ......

●  At this stage it's important to get the members involved and communicate with each other.

●  At this stage, members are beginning to voice their view.
●  Individual difference can be seen.
●  Members will join others who share the same beliefs.
●  Some members will try to jockey for position.
●  It is very important to encourage people to speak, getting involved and feel appreciated.
●  The team leader should focus on clarity of views, the trend of common ideas and controlling 
    the team's focus on the correct track.


●  At this stage, the members begin to share common view and commitment to the purpose of
    the team.

●  It is important to make them understand the goals and how to reach them.
●  The team leader should focus on the roles and the process in achieving the goals.

●  At this stage, the team work together.
●  The members are actively involved in the process of achieving the goals.
●  The style of leadership becomes more indirect and delegating activities is becoming an
    important issue.

●  The team leader should focus on team communication.

●  At this stage, members have accomplished their goals.
●  It is important to acknowledge the team's effort and keeping the moral for future