1 April 2013

OSH MANAGEMENT - Type of Work Place Inspection


By Faudzil Harun

Workplace inspection can be defined as that monitoring function conducted in the place of work to locate and report existing and potential hazards which has the capacity to cause accidents in the workplace. 

Common types of workplace inspections are :  

1.   Walk Through Inspection (Continuous On-Going Inspection)

      ●  Conducted by manager, supervisor, shift leader, foreman and workers.

      ●  Noting an apparent or potential unsafe condition or unsafe acts,
          correcting it immediately or reporting it for corrective actions.

      ●  Inspecting of safety guards, two hand control, scaffolds, elevator wire
          ropes (cables), fire hose, fire extinguisher, fire control room, fire alarm
          system, fire fighting system, emergency eye wash/shower station
          emergency lights and other items that are on for safety and first aid.

2.   Periodic Inspection

         Scheduled inspection made at regular intervals.

      ●  Inspection may be of the entire plant, a specific area, a specific
          operation, or a specific type of equipment.

3.   Intermittent Inspection

         Include those inspections scheduled to be made at regular intervals.

      ●  Sometimes the need for inspection is indicated by accident and

      ●  When construction or remodeling is going on.

      ●  When new process or equipment is introduced.

4.   General Inspection

         A planned inspection of places which do not receive periodic inspection,
          or those areas where “no one ever visit” and “where no one ever gets

      ●  Includes parking lots, sidewalks, fencing and similar outlying regions
          and “out of the way” hazards which are usually located overhead and
          difficult to spot.

5.   Executive Inspection

         Senior management safety tour.

      ●  Focus on broader aspects of OSH issues, including standard setting.

      ●  Demonstrate commitment to OSH management.

Important Safety Points :

  Safety conditions change after dark, when illumination is artificial.
  When a workplace has more than one shift, it is important that inspections
    be performed at night to make sure adequate illumination is provided.
  Worker’s alertness at night may be affected by the surrounding conditions.
  Inspecting committee must consider worker’s alertness in isolated area and 
    confined space.
●  Inspecting committee must wear appropriate PPE when conducting
    inspection activity.