29 May 2013

HEALTH - Dancing can cut Parkinson’s woes

Dancing can cut Parkinson’s woes

May 29, 2013
From Irish set dancing to creative dance, Parkinson's sufferers in Venice, Limerick and Melbourne are said to be enjoying the benefits of dancing.

MELBOURNE: Parkinson’s patients can raise their mobility through dancing, according to a new study.
Australia’s La Trobe University along with the University of Limerick and St John of God Hospital in Venice are conducting a global study in this regard, a La Trobe University statement said.
From Irish set dancing to creative dance, Parkinson’s sufferers in Venice, Limerick and Melbourne are said to be enjoying the benefits of dancing. “Parkinson’s disease results in muscle rigidity and tremors making it difficult for sufferers to move,” Meg Morris, a lead researcher of the project at La Trobe University said. “We think dancing can improve mobility and reduce the number of falls in people with Parkinson’s disease,” Morris said.
“But following trials in Melbourne last year we found that Parkinson’s disease sufferers are “unlocked by dance”, and are able to move more freely,” Morris said.
“We hope this research will provide practitioners with more effective therapy,” he added. “Not only does dance help reduce symptoms, it also increases wellbeing, happiness and life quality among patients,” Morris said, adding, “Every week I hear from participants about how thankful they are for the dance classes and for the research we are undertaking.”
Through the study Australia is fast becoming a world leader in Parkinson’s disease research. Now a new study has also kicked in here trialling the Argentine Tango. Researchers are calling for otherwise healthy men and women with Parkinson’s disease to participate in Argentine Tango dance classes.
- Agencies

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