10 May 2013

RELATIONSHIP - 6 Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship

Without trust in a relationship, there is no relationship. Trust is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. The following six methods are guaranteed to strengthen your connection by improving the level of trust in your relationship.

The first powerful way to build trust in a relationship is communication. If you say you are happy but you’re frowning, your partner will get mixed messages. If you have something to tell them, don’t hold back.

The second powerful way to build trust in a relationship is empathy. Where is your partner coming from? Are their needs being met? Put yourself in his or her shoes. If you can empathize with your partner, you will be able to connection with them better and therefore trust them more. For example, if you empathize that your husband is swamped at work and can’t come home early to see you as he needs to work overtime to support the family, you will understand that he isn’t coming home late because he’s cheating on you.

The third powerful way to build trust in your relationship is growth. Nothing is worse in a relationship than one that is stagnant. Giving your relationship exposure to a wide variety of situations and scenarios will allow you to predict the behavior of your partner better and will allow you to trust your partner more. For example, if you go on a road trip together for the first time, you will learn to trust that your partner will help you plan the trip, help navigate if you get lost, etc.

The fourth powerful way to build trust in your relationship is to test its boundaries. This doesn’t mean flirt with other people and see if your partner gets mad. It means try different scenarios, grow, try new things, be adventurous, be daring, really get to know each other. It is only then will you really know the core of each other and learn to trust each other.

The fifth powerful way to build trust in a relationship is to not keep secrets. Nothing destroys trust faster in a relationship than secrets. Be honest, open, and upfront. Assume everything you know will eventually come out. Secrets require enormous energy on your part anyways. That is energy would be better spent into building the relationship.

The sixth powerful way to build trust in your relationship is by learning to say no. When your partner voices his or her needs that is a great thing. But you don’t need to say yes to everything. Your partner will not respect you if you never say no. Refusing to be subjugated to the other person’s will actually build trust in a relationship.