12 June 2013

CHILDREN OF THE WORLD - Donate To Where The Need Is Greatest

UNICEF's vision is to build a world where the basic rights of every child are realised.
Often, this means that our work is greatly varied depending on the situation at hand. The kind of work and support we provide can range anywhere from child health and nutrition, clean water and sanitation, quality basic education and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and HIV/AIDS.

What can you do?

UNICEF urgently needs your help to realise the basic rights of children for all children around the world. Even the smallest donation will make a huge difference.

  • Can buy a HIV test kit to help ensure 100 mums-to-be are tested before the birth of their child for HIV/AIDS

  • $54 could provide enough measles vaccine to protect 200 children from this disease

  • Is enough to buy a bike helping health workers to reach vulnerable children in remote communities, delivering vaccines and nutrition supplies


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