2 June 2013

HEALTH - The Truth About Cheese: Which to Enjoy and Which to Avoid

The Truth About Cheese: Which to Enjoy and Which to Avoid

While a cheese plate is certainly an indulgence, a few types of the delicious snack are healthier than others-some are even a great source of nutrients. Dietitian Jessica Levinson of Nutritioulicious.com helped us weigh our options. Literally. 

Enjoy: Feta 
"Feta has been repeatedly touted as one of the best cheeses for cardiovascular health," 
says Levinson. "Although it’s high in sodium, it has a lower calorie count and a little 
goes a long way."

Enjoy: Mozzarella String Cheese 
Mozzarella String Cheese is great for snacking! 
It’s portable, conveniently packaged, and low-calorie (about 70-80 calories per serving). 
It's also stocked with seven grams of protein to keep you satiated throughout the day.

Enjoy: Cottage Cheese 
Cottage cheese is a low-calorie (about 20 per ounce), high-protein option. 
"Many people think of cottage cheese as 'diet' food," explains Levinson. 
"But its uses far surpass a cheese-filled cantaloupe at the local diner."

Enjoy: Goat Cheese 
Goat cheese is higher in protein and lower in fat than many cow's milk varieties. 
Because it has the soft, creamy texture that many people love, 
it's a good replacement for those high in fat Brie and Camemberts.

Enjoy: Light Cheese 
"Cabot’s Sharp Light Cheddar is one of my favorites because it’s made with skim milk," 
says Levinson. "This automatically makes it lower in fat than other reduced fat cheeses 
because they are typically made from two percent milk."

Avoid: Blue Cheese 
"Blue cheese is not only high in saturated fat, but also has been proven to trigger migraines 
in some people," says Levinson. If you must, keep your portions of this stinky option small.

Avoid: Brie 
Be very wary of these! Soft, creamy cheeses like Brie and Camembert are low in calcium and 
high in saturated fat. Although they are a favorite to serve at parties, try reaching for the 
hummus and veggies on the buffet table instead.

Avoid: Cream Cheese 
"People often slather cream cheese on bagels, which piles on the calories as it's high 
in fat and doesn’t provide much in the way of nutritional benefits," says Levinson. 
If you can't cut it out completely, try to use a low-fat version to keep your calorie count down.

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