3 June 2013

MEDICAL NURSE - Duties and Responsibilities of Staff Nurses

A. Clinical Activities

1. Arrives in time and takes handover of patient bed to bed.
2. Carries out assigned job given by sister/ward in charge.
3. Plans and provides the basic care according to the priority needs of the patients.

4. Prepares and takes round with Doctor.
5. Caries out instructions appropriately, (collection of specimens investigations and medications etc.).
6. Maintains personal hygiene of patient to prevent infection.
7. Given medicine and injection in correct procedure e.g. transfusion E.V. infusion etc.
8. Takes responsibility of admission and discharge of the patient.
9. Conducts and manages safe delivery and does episiotomy if needed.
10. Maintains interpersonal relationship with staff, patients, families and community

B. Administrative Activities

1. Keeps adequate supplies (medicine, injection, linen etc.) and does inventory regularly.
2. Keeps custody of drugs and maintains record of its administration.
3. Checks all emergency drugs and equipments daily.
4. Takes special attention about police case and absconded clients (medical, legal, dead body).
5. Creates safe environment to prevent accidents in the ward.

C. Educative Activities

1. Plans and provides health education to patients and relatives.
2. Participates in in-service education programme.
3. Helps students in learning activities.

D. Supervisory Activities

1. Supervises and guides ANMs and Co-workers.
2. Supervises patients and visitors for maintenance of health promotion.

E. Recording and Reporting Activities

1. Reports Critical patient’s conditions promptly to the concerned person in verbal and written.
2. Reports any absenteeism of staff.
3. Records and reports nursing care, treatment, medicine correctly and promptly.
4. Reports and records any losses and breakage in the unit.

F. Communication Activities

1. Provides Psychological support to patient and relatives.
2. Reports any incident to the concerned person.
3. Gives orientation to patient and relatives about physical facilities, policy rules and regulations of the hospital.
4. Participates in pre and post conference.
5. Maintains good interpersonal relationship with patients’s relatives, sister, colleagues, co-workers and the department staff.

G. Research Activities

1. Helps and participates in research activities.

Evaluative Activities

1. Does self evaluation regularly.
2. Evaluates patient’s condition and nursing care process.
3. Assists sister in staff appraisal.
4. Takes parts in students evaluation.

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