1 July 2013

CANCER - Cancerous chilli powder found in Myanmar markets

Cancerous chilli powder found in Myanmar markets

Yangon (Eleven Media/ANN) -
A carcinogenic substance called Aflatoxcin B1 has been found in chilli powder being sold in Myanmar markets, according to a medical research department from lower Myanmar.
The authorities took samples of various chilli powders being sold in markets, finding traces of the cancer-causing Aflatoxcin B1 in four kinds of unpacked chilli powder and two packed powders.
"Aflatoxcin B1 is a kind of fungus called Aspergillus species. This fungus is born in foods stored unsystematically. Aflatoxcin B1 containing foods are not changed in colour, odour and fragrance. Its poison can't be wipeout by heating," said Dr. Thaung Hla from the research department.

Aflatoxcin B1 can caused liver cancer after long term consumption.

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