27 June 2013

WORLD NEWS - US Airways flight attendant arrested in Rome for trying to carry a gun and ammo onto a plane

US Airways flight attendant arrested in Rome for trying to carry a gun and ammo onto a plane

  • -  60-year-old woman had revolver and 40 rounds
  • -  Stopped while trying to board flight to Charlotte

A US Airways flight attendant has been arrested in Rome after attempting to carry a gun onto a plane.

The 60-year-old woman told police she had brought the weapon into the country with her from the U.S. when she arrived.

The woman is now being held in custody while prosecutors investigate the incident.

Arrest: A US Airways flight attendant tried to carry a gun on to a plane (file photo)
Arrest: A US Airways flight attendant tried to carry a gun on to a plane (file photo)

She was boarding a US Airways flight from Rome's Fiumicino Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday when she was stopped by border police, according to Gazzetta del Sud.
Officials found a disabled .40 calibre Sig Sauer revolver in her carry-on bag.

    There were also 40 rounds of ammunition in the luggage, of which five had been spent.

    The flight attendant was arrested and charged with possession of an unauthorised firearm.

    Gun: A revolver was apparently found in the woman's carry-on bag (file photo)
    Gun: A revolver was apparently found in the woman's carry-on bag (file photo)

    She is in custody in the Civitavecchia prison, pending a full investigation of the case.

    A spokesman for US Airways confirmed that the company was aware of the incident.

    'Airline officials are in contact and cooperating with local authorities,' he told the Charlotte Observer.

    Italy's gun laws are fairly restrictive compared to those of the U.S., and only those who can prove they have a good reason to carry a handgun are legally allowed to do so.

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