31 July 2013

DIET TIPS - Struggling to stick to a diet?

Struggling to stick to a diet? Stocking up on fruit and veg helps - even if you DON'T eat it - because it improves self-control

  • -  Researchers at University of Leeds found that those who ate a salad instead of 
  •    garlic bread as a starter went on to eat smaller main meal
  • -  Smelling an orange reduced chocolate consumption by over half
  • -  Experts say that findings suggest that salads and fruit may remind dieters of their 
  •    long term goals to lose weight and improve self-control

Greater exposure to healthy foods improves dieters' self-control, making them more successful at reducing their food intake, according to scientists.

Dieting diners who began their meal with a salad instead of garlic bread went on to eat a smaller main course, even though both starters had the same calorie content.

And in another test, dieters reduced their chocolate consumption by more than half if they smelled a fresh orange first.

A dieter's best friend? Scientists found that dieters who ate a salad instead of garlic bread as a starter went on to eat smaller main meal
A dieter's best friend? Scientists found that dieters who ate a salad instead of garlic bread as a starter went on to eat smaller main meal even though both starters had the same calorie content

In contrast, those who were not attempting to shift unwanted pounds ate similar amounts regardless of the food they were exposed to before both tests.

Even the sight of fruit and veg can help individuals avoid temptation, with scientists suggesting we should fill our fruit-bowls and keep the fridge well stocked if we want to stick to our diet plans.

It suggests healthy foods associated with diets, such as salads and fruit, may remind dieters of their long term goals to lose weight and improve self-control.

    A third experiment involved showing participants images of either healthy food or random non-food items while carrying out a computer task. When given a variety of snack food, dieters who were shown the images of wholesome food ate less than those who had viewed random items.

    Scientists say that being exposed to fruit and vegetables helps remind a dieter of their goals
    Scientists say that being exposed to fruit and vegetables helps remind a dieter of their goals
    Scientists from the University of Leeds said the findings indicate the sight, smell and consumption of fruit and veg can lower overall food intake.

    Researcher Nicola Buckland said that 'when tempted by food, dieters should take a few moments to focus on the sensory properties of healthy food, such as the sight and smell of fruit or salad vegetables. Such healthy food cues can provide an instant reminder to dieters to regulate their intake'.

    One way of stickling to diet plans is by 'increasing the presence of healthy foods in places where overeating is most likely to happen, such as the fridge, kitchen cupboards and on the desk at work, may help remind dieters to limit their food intake'.

    Even when away from home, dieters can prompt resistance to temptation with a piece of fruit or baby carrots. Or when eating out 'order a salad as a starter to help reduce intake', said Miss Buckland.

    The study, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, also found the effects of healthy food to improve dieters' self-control may be most beneficial when hungry.

    When participants were given a standard lunch and then offered a snack two hours later, prior exposure to fruit had no effect on intake.

    It suggests that diet cues may be most useful when an individual is hungry and tempted to overindulge on unhealthy food.

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