29 July 2013

HEALTH TRIANGLE - Can Stress Affect Your Health Triangle?

As a balanced indicator of overall well-being, your health triangle compares social, emotional and physical factors to paint a picture of health. While myriad factors can affect the balance of your triangle, one of the most potent is your level and type of stress. When stress attacks the cornerstones of your general well-being, your health could take a serious hit. Learn how stress deteriorates your triangle and how you can fight back.

Physical Health

The correlation between physical health and stress level has been well-documented, if not completely explained. Stress, on a purely physical level, is related to adrenaline. In some cases and in short spurts, it can be a helpful way for you to make quick decisions and to react appropriately. Unfortunately, on a long-term basis, stress can take a physical toll in the form of high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, a poor diet (stress eating) and other reactions to stress.

Mental Health

Your mental health is probably the side of the triangle most affected by a continued battle with stress. When your mental health is constantly being bombarded with lists of things to do, family issues, life events, problems at work and other stress-related stuff, you could suffer in the form of depression, anxiety, compulsion disorders and even a complete breakdown. That's why it's so important to have outlets to allow you to rid your mind of stress and focus on something else.

Social Health

Often an ignored side of the health triangle, even your social health can be affected by a large degree of stress. Think about it: Your social standing and income level can affect how stressed you are from time to time. That added stress can make it difficult and unpleasant for you to interact with others on a daily basis, whether it's spending time with friends or even shopping at the store. Feeling a lack of control, getting anxious about social situations and dreading being in public can all be the result of high degrees of stress.

How to Cope

Although there's no avoiding stressful situations, the trick is to know how to cope with stress so it doesn't become a negative influence. Slowing down and skipping the negative self-talk can definitely help to lower stress levels; are you really the worst parent in the world? Probably not. Having hobbies and ways to take your mind off stress can help to keep you relaxed and healthy as well. Whether it's taking a painting class, joining a sports team or just arranging for a night out, you can take time to rewind and reset mentally. Finally, meditation is an ideal tool for stress reduction. Centering and focusing your mind can help you feel calmer and more prepared to take on the day. Take five minutes in the morning and at night to find a quiet spot and meditate for a few minutes.

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