25 August 2013

HR DEVELOPMENT - Human Resource Development Research Niche Areas > Unimas

Human resource development (HRD) is an organized learning that provides the possibility of performance change and improvement towards individuals and groups through development of their knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s) necessary for the successful performance of the organization. Our HRD niche area covers training and development, organizational development, career development and HR practices.

Training and Development

Training and development is one of important functions of human resource development (HRD) aimed at improving the performance of individuals and group of employees in organizational setting. Training refers to a planned effort by an organization to facilitate employees’ learning of job related competencies. It constitutes a program of learning which is properly design to upgrade knowledge, skills experience, competencies, expertise and the job performance of staff.  The current research works on training and development focus on the following areas such as strategic training, needs assessment, program design, transfer of training, training evaluation, E-learning and the use of technology in training, new technologies and training delivery, training for virtual work, multiple delivery method, best practices model of training and development and training and performance support.

Organizational Development

Organizational development is an evolving discipline that draws on knowledge and methods from the behavioral sciences that is concerned with the performance, development, and effectiveness of human organizations. Its primary emphasis is on relationships and processes between and among individuals and groups. Organizational development also encompasses the overall performance of the organization, its effectiveness, structure, and internal and external system impacts. Thus this particular field covers on topics that include change process and implementation theories, model of change and organization intervention strategies. In overall,   organizational development is the field of study and practice that focuses on various aspects of organizational life, aspects that include culture, values, systems and behaviour. 

Career Development

Career development is usually accepted as one of the three areas of practice for HRD. Although career development has been seemingly overshadowed by research and discourse addressing other aspects of HRD, there are strong arguments for increasing the relevance of career development to the field of HRD. The idea of career development may seem at odds with many current workplace issues such as high unemployment rates, job losses due to workplace reductions, changing nature of employment contracts. However, career development theories that describe adult career development are important contributions to HRD practice because they describe adult progressions through work roles.  At the Faculty, career development research focuses on exploring the changing nature of employment contracts, the nature of career success, career development models for women as well as other career development concepts such as career motivation, post corporate careers and the influence of diversity in organization s on careers.

Human Resource Practices

This area focuses on the modern human resource practices (HRP) in organizations and its effect on individual employees towards organizational performance. It include a variety of HR activities with specific attention given to the following areas – strategies to improve organizational performance, performance evaluation, recruitment practices that bring about the selection of excellent and talented staff, compensation and benefits management, employee performance management, succession planning, occupational safety and health management, and human resource information system. Research on HR practices could encompasses on linkages between HR strategy and business strategy, recruitment and selection and training and development practices towards organizational performance, organizational occupational safety and health processes, HR practices in private and public sector, compensations and benefits management, employability issues and barriers to effective implementation of HR practices.

Source : http://www.fcshd.unimas.my

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