6 August 2013

WOMEN - Hidden in the Harvest

Three women came to the U.S. looking for a better life, but what they found wasn’t the American dream. See what they say they had to endure to provide for their own families.

Director/producer: Ariane Wu
Spanish-language producer: Daffodil Altan
Illustrator: Marina Luz
Reporters: Bernice Yeung, Grace Rubenstein, Hannah Mintz, Lauren Rosenfeld
Executive producer: Susanne Reber
Senior editors: Richard C. Paddock, Robert Salladay
For the Investigative Reporting Program
Producer: Andres Cediel
Senior producers: Lowell Bergman, William Cran
Associate producer: Lauren Rosenfeld
Reporter: Hannah Mintz
Interviews: Daffodil Altan
Translation: Erica Hellerstein, Alicia Avila
Voice actors: Isabel Siragusa, Nancy Battey, Jan Becker, Ayelette Robinson
Spanish voice actors: Daffodil Altan, Nancy Lopez, Michelle Gutierrez
Animation: Sam Ward
Additional Spanish translation: Montana Ray
Spanish-language video editor: Angela Reginato

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