24 October 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 51 (23/10/2013)

501.  The band Duran Duran got their name from an astronaut in the 1968 Jane Fonda movie

The accent that Mike Myers used for the character Shrek came from the accent that his
         mother would use when she was telling him bedtime stories when he was a child.

In the Netherlands, there are special traffic lanes for bicycles. There are approximately
         17,000 kms of cycle lanes with special bicycle traffic lights.

It was believed by Ancient Hindus that the world was a sphere and rested on the back of
         four elephants, which stood on a turtle.

Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were both epileptic.

Every year, more than one million miles of Twizzlers licorice is made.

A penguin swims at a speed of approximately 15 miles per hour.

The word Thailand means "land of the free."

A rose imprint that was fossilized in a slate was discovered in Florissant, Colorado, which
         is said to be thirty-five million years old.

U.S. bills are 2.61 inches wide, 6.14 inches long, and are .0043 inches thick and weigh 1

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