25 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Clever Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

Clever Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

by Chris Joseph, Demand Media
There are a number of creative ways to express appreciation for your employees' efforts.
There are a number of creative ways to express appreciation for your employees' efforts.

In a busy work environment, it can be easy to overlook the achievements and contributions of your employees. By taking the time and effort to show your appreciation, you can make your employees' day and make them feel they're a valuable part of your organization. A little creativity on your part can make the gesture even more meaningful.
Name Room
Name a portion of your building after a high-achieving employee for a period of time, such as a conference room or lunch room. Have a plaque or nameplate made containing the employee's name and a brief summary of his accomplishment. When the period of time has passed, do the same for another deserving employee. Allow the employees to keep their memento so that they can place it in their office or cubicle.
Mail Letter Or Card
Make an employee's day by giving her a handwritten card or letter expressing your appreciation for a job well done. But instead of giving it to her in person, mail it to her home address. This will increase the element of surprise as well as give her something to display proudly in her home.
Personalized Gift
Instead of a generic card or gift certificate, take the time to find a gift that is unique to the individual. For example, if the employee has a unique hobby, such as collecting vintage model cars, give him a model that may be missing from his collection along with a "certificate of authenticity" that names the car after a "classic" employee.
Message in Bottle
Tell the employee that you've bought him a bottle of his favorite soft drink as a token of your appreciation. Instead, present him with a bottle that contains a prize inside. The item could be a note of appreciation or even a monetary reward if company policy allows this.
New Employee Appreciation
Being the new kid on the block can be stressful, so a show of appreciation for "future accomplishments" can make a new employee feel welcome and offer encouragement. Ideas can include a post-dated certificate thanking the employee for her hard work in completing the company training program. You can even get other employees in the department involved by having them sign the certificate.

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