31 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Demonstrating Courtesy and Respect in the Workplace

Demonstrating Courtesy and Respect in the Workplace

by Damarious Page, Demand Media

Individuals and businesses alike can allow courtesy and respect to fall by the wayside. The issues that distract or prevent people from practicing these virtues on a constant basis commonly exist both at home and on the job. For example, when households and companies face financial problems, the stress of the issue can cause people and employees to change behavior to the point where socially acceptable norms diminish. As you examine courtesy and respect in the workplace, you will see the close link between a person's private life at home and public life at the office.
Birthdays are one of the most remembered and celebrated events in the lives of many people. Workplaces can show respect by throwing surprise birthday parties, scheduling a lunch in honor of the person or simply mentioning the date in a company newsletter. Other annual remembrances and celebrations include wedding anniversaries as well as the addition of a new child to a family. As a courtesy, many employers honor workers with long tenure as a sign of appreciation for years of dedication and hard work.
Concern and Condolences
Managers and coworkers can demonstrate courtesy by being attentive to a fellow employee's state of mind and health. Take on some of an employee's workload if he looks ill and sluggish; suggest a sick day. Allow a person to stay home or leave early if a family member is ill. Many people who are hospitalized or bedridden appreciate receiving cards and flowers. Similarly, if a family member dies, show respect by offering condolences as well as sending flowers and offering support.
Inclusion and Invitations
Workplaces should try to avoid forming cliques that might exclude other employees. As a sign of respect, try to form a friendly dynamic across the entire office. As a courtesy, offer to order food delivery for everyone in the office or go out as a group. Once in a while, invite coworkers to happy hour or other social events to demonstrate genuine friendship on and off the job.
Workplace personnel should respect coworkers from the beginning to the end of the workday by simply saying hello and goodbye. People can make a courteous effort to hold the front door or elevator if someone is coming in behind them. Offer to hold and reserve seats for a late coworker when the group is at company meetings and attending conferences. These actions are some of the simplest ways to acknowledge that a person exists.
Thank-You Statements
Offering thanks is important and appreciated by many coworkers from a verbal or written perspective. Compose a thank-you letter for an employee or department for a job well done. Include a thank-you blurb in the company newsletter or send out a mass email highlighting the individuals who deserve praise. Open company conference calls and group meetings by thanking fellow employees. Coworkers need assurances about personal efforts and quality from time to time.
Technology Usage
People in the workplace should respect the personal sensitivities and cultural differences of fellow employees by using proper English in professional business emails. Avoid slang and the use of emoticons. Turn off your personal cell phone during business hours or put the ringer on vibrate to avoid noise pollution and disturbances in the workplace. Wear headphones while you are listening to the radio or viewing videos that are playing on a computer at your desk. Technology in the workplace is generally a tool for good but can cause problems if used improperly.

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