25 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Ethical Issues Facing HR

Ethical Issues Facing HR

by Sherrie Scott, Demand Media

Human resources departments develop policies that encourage ethical behavior.
Human resources departments develop policies that encourage ethical behavior.

Organizational ethics are rules and standards that guide workplace behavior and moral principles. Many organizations establish a "code of ethics" that sets company expectations regarding ethical issues such as privacy, conflict of interest, discrimination and harassment and workplace diversity. Human resources personnel are charged with setting standards that promote ethical behavior in the workplace.
Discrimination and Harassment
Human resources professionals must ensure the organization remains compliant with anti-discrimination and harassment laws. Employee discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, gender or religion is an ethical issue human resources personnel face daily. Laws that prohibit discriminatory behavior such as the Civil Rights Act and Americans With Disabilities Act help HR representatives develop training and awareness programs to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace. These laws also establish procedures human resources may use to report and discipline workers who display inappropriate discriminatory behavior.
Human resources are involved in most aspects of employee relations including hiring, firing, compensation, benefits and leaves. Human resources representatives have access to extremely sensitive information. Keeping this information private is an ethical matter facing HR. Human resources personnel have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of an employee's personal data.
Workplace diversity encompasses the various qualities, characteristics and experiences that distinguish one worker from another. These characteristics can be differences in race, gender, age, social status or other traits that make an individual unique. Treating a person differently because of these differences poses an ethical issue that faces human resources. HR personnel implement policies that promote diversity in the workplace and welcome the differences of the entire workforce.
Employee safety is an issue facing human resources personnel. The department must prevent and correct potentially dangerous situations. Human resources must promptly act on hazardous conditions that present safety concerns in the workplace. The department is also responsible for identifying potentially dangerous employees and ensuring they do not harm themselves or others within the organization.

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