25 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - How to Develop a Dress Code for Work

How to Develop a Dress Code for Work

by Shelley Frost, Demand Media
The clothing employees wear to work sets the overall tone for the office. The dress code lets employees know what is expected of them when it comes to wardrobe choices and grooming habits. Writing a policy about workplace dress sets the standard and helps you avoid problems. If an employee dresses inappropriately at the office, you can point to the dress code when asking her to change. If you don't have a policy in place, the employee could accuse you of unfairly targeting her for her clothing choice. The specific industry and your expectations influence the dress code you establish.
Step 1
Create a description of how you want the office environment to be perceived. Consider the industry and whether or not clients visit the office. For example, a marketing firm that deals with wealthy clients would likely want to make a professional impression. Keep the overall impression in mind as you draft the dress code.
Step 2
Write notes about potential dangers in the workplace based on clothing and grooming habits. In a manufacturing plant, an employee could become caught in a machine because of loose clothing, long hair that isn't tied back or dangling jewelry.
Step 3
Write an opening statement to the policy that explains the reason for establishing the dress code. Remind employees that the workplace is a professional environment and you need to maintain a certain atmosphere.
Step 4
List recommended clothing and prohibited attire. Prohibited clothing might include shirts that show the stomach, shorts or skirts that don't meet minimum length requirements, tank tops, shirts with logos or offensive sayings, jeans, torn clothing and wrinkled fabrics.
Step 5
Define grooming practices that are relevant to the workplace. Wearing glittery eye shadow and face sparkles, for example, can be distracting. You can request that employees keep makeup toned down to create a professional environment.
Step 6
Write a list of consequences for ignoring the dress code. Start by asking the employee to change. Make known that more serious consequences, such as suspension or termination, are a possibility for repeat offenders or employees who refuse to correct the problem.
Step 7
Read through the policy and consequences to ensure they accurately establish a dress code that will create the desired impression. Avoid any requirements or restrictions in the policy that discriminate against gender or race.

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