26 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Ideas for Employee Appreciation Day

Ideas for Employee Appreciation Day

by Chris MacKechnie, Demand Media
A spa day can be a great employee appreciation day activity

Letting your employees know they are appreciated and respected is a small, but important aspect of effective management. When deadlines are looming or when customers are unhappy, employee morale can nosedive. Employee appreciation days are one way that a company can thank employees for their hard work and let them know the company would suffer if it were not for their individual contribution. The key is to find something that is truly enjoyable.
One way to gain the hearts of your staff is to treat them to a day at the spa, without ever leaving the office. Welcome them in the morning with orange juice in champagne flutes and chocolate covered strawberries. Hire manicurists and massage therapists to offer mini-treatments throughout the day. At lunch, cater a spa-inspired meal. At the end of the day, give everyone a small gift, such as a scented candle or box of chocolate. When planning, look for totally non-practical, decadent offerings that have nothing to do with work.
Pizza And Movie
Some of the best employee appreciation days are completely unplanned and unscheduled. On a random Friday, announce to staff that the office is closing for a surprise. Give everyone some time to cancel appointments and set a meeting place. Lead everyone to a nearby pizzeria for a fun lunch. Following that, give everyone a coupon for a movie and a popcorn at the nearest theater and head off for an afternoon of playing hooky. Be sure not to keep any employees past their normal working hours to avoid child care problems and previous commitments. Pretend not to notice if some employees sneak out before the movie is over, because it's their day, after all.
Choose Your Adventure
Letting employees choose their own appreciation day activity helps guarantee they will truly enjoy the experience. Consider presenting each person with a menu of three options that they can select from in advance. One group may choose to see a live theatrical performance. Another may travel to a local golf course for a mini-tournament. A third, may choose a day at an amusement park. If it is possible, have all three groups converge for a communal dinner at the end of a fun-filled day.

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