31 October 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Signs of Unsatisfied Employees

Signs of Unsatisfied Employees

by Maria Christensen, Demand Media
Errors in work, complaints and poor customer service are signs of an unsatisfied employee.

It isn't easy to identify unsatisfied employees just by looking at them. The signs and symptoms of dissatisfaction and low morale are often more subtle. However, there are common trends among unsatisfied employees that indicate you might have a problem that you need to address. Disgruntled employees can negatively affect productivity, morale and the reputation of your company.
Regular tardiness, high absenteeism and long lunch breaks are common among dissatisfied employees and often accompany low productivity. When other employees have to fill in for absent co-workers, resentment builds and low morale spreads. Attendance problems are sometimes an indication that the employee is dealing with pressing personal issues rather than work issues, so good communication is important for discovering where the problem lies.
Quality of Work
Productivity is a good indicator of employee satisfaction. If an employee's quality of work falls off dramatically, it may be an indication of dissatisfaction. It could also be caused by personal issues or problems with co-workers, so it's important to find out the underlying cause. Regular errors, sloppy work and low productivity are not only signs of an unsatisfied employee, they can affect a company's bottom line.
Inattention to detail and inaccurate work affects customers, clients and co-workers. An increase in customer complaints can point to a problem with a specific employee or groups of employees. Co-workers may complain about having to deal with the results of poor work done by others. An employee may be facing unrealistic expectations or a high workload, or may need more training. The reasons for complaints should be addressed before the company starts to lose clients.
A bad attitude can manifest in frequent complaints, arguments and poor customer service. Everyone has an off day now and then, but continual sullenness and outbreaks of temper can affect the whole office. An employee who fails to follow instructions or refuses requests from supervisors is not a happy employee. Sudden changes in appearance and hygiene are symptoms of a negative attitude. Resolve the issues underlying poor attitude immediately before it spreads in the company.
People regularly leave jobs to advance their careers or for personal reasons, but employees leaving in droves may point to a high level of dissatisfaction. An employee with some seniority in the company suddenly turning in a resignation is often a signal that something is wrong within your organization. Exit interviews are an opportunity to discover why employees are leaving the company and may identify areas in which to improve.
Most unsatisfied employees are unhappy with their jobs for specific reasons, many of which can be addressed. However, in some cases, the signs an unsatisfied employee exhibits may be a precursor to workplace violence. Train management and staff to recognize some of the warning signs that can lead to violence, such as threats, property destruction, overt hostility and talk of suicide. Make it clear to employees that such behavior should immediately be reported to management.

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