17 October 2013

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - Marketing Code of Ethics

Marketing Code of Ethics

by Alyson Paige, Demand Media

National and international organizations have developed marketing codes of ethics to guide business practices. When a business commits to a marketing code of ethics, it commits to conducting its affairs with integrity and with the customer's well-being in mind. The Business Marketing Association (BMA) lists "branding, promotion, sales support, institutional and financial relations and community outreach" as areas of marketing good conduct. Categories for marketing ethics may include ethical norms and values as defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA), along with means of implementation.
Step 1
Define ethical norms to guide business protocol. These norms might include devising practices that do no harm and developing procedures that build and sustain consumer confidence. Make sure, for example, that all distributors have equal access to sales incentives, the BMA recommends.
Step 2
Specify ethical values as they relate to your business. Commit to ethical values, such as honesty, responsibility and citizenship, to name only three. Honest business practices communicate truth to partners, customers and shareholders. When you practice responsible business, you and your company take responsibility for the consequences of your marketing strategies. Good citizenship, suggests the AMA, includes protecting the environment in marketing campaigns. Recycle your marketing materials, for example.
Step 3
Implement marketing ethics that are relevant to your specific business activity. The AMA advises businesses to build upon marketing ethical norms and values to meet specific practices. Ethical norms include broad concepts such as "do no harm" and "foster trust in the marketing system."
Step 4
Implement AMA ethical norms and values in marketing activities. The AMA advises marketing ethics in such areas as "marketing research, e-commerce, Internet selling, direct marketing and advertising." In these and all marketing areas, implement ethical values in such activities as striving to meet customers' needs, never engaging in price fixing and acknowledging the efforts of employees and consultants, the AMA recommends.

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