16 October 2013

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - Occupational Ethics in the Workplace

Occupational Ethics in the Workplace

by Julie Davoren, Demand Media

Occupational ethics guide how members should conduct themselves while at work

Ethics should not be confused with manners, etiquette or aesthetics. Occupational ethics generally do not cover issues of dress or politeness, nor should it address rhetoric, self-presentation or style. A code of ethics is about moral principles and ideals of behavior. Ethics promote equity and justice, respect for people, and personal and professional responsibility.

Code of Ethics

The code of ethics in your organization guides employee behavior and spells out responses to ethical questions at work. It should be in written form and accessible to all employees so that no one is in doubt regarding the standard of behavior the organization expects. For example, your code of ethics should clearly state how employees should respond to customer gifts. Your organization’s written code of ethics should address issues concerning conflicts of interest, such as employment of relatives or employment with competitors. It should address dissemination of confidential information and employee conduct while on company premises and while representing the company externally. Although you will not be able to list every situation, you must be thorough.

Fair Treatment

All people should be treated equally and not discriminated against, exploited or abused. Your organization’s code of ethics helps ensure that power is shared and not abused. This means your customers are treated fairly, as are staff and vendors. Staff with equal credentials, for example, will have equal opportunities for choice projects. Your dealings with your customers, particularly their personal information, should be transparent to them. For example, expressly ask the customers' permission to use their personal information and explain how, why and when you will use that information.

Duties and Responsibilities

When you accept personal and professional responsibility in the workplace, you must exhibit courtesy at all times and avoid inflicting pain or harm on others. Acceptance in the workplace carries with it the responsibility of respecting different people and cultures and protecting basic human rights. The rights of leadership and management have the reciprocal duty of protection. You must protect your organization’s assets and use those assets for the benefit of the organization and not your own.

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct is embodied in the code of ethics and identifies the ethical issues you may encounter in the workplace. It also includes corresponding ethical behaviors you must exhibit as a workplace community member. Code of conduct covers equity of access to employment opportunities, harassment of all flavors, discrimination and bullying. There are sections and guidelines on union membership, lawful obedience and respect for people, confidentiality and handling of intellectual property. Code of conduct also covers other issues such as employee complaints, safety and health, use of facilities and social media and information technology.

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