18 October 2013

PEOPLE - Chinese man gets arm trapped in work toilet

Chinese man gets arm trapped in work toilet after trying to retrieve his lost wedding ring

  • - The man, named only as Zhang, had to be rescued by firefighters
  • - He had taken his wedding ring off to have a shower in work changing room
  • - His alarmed colleagues had heard him shouting for help from the staff room

When a Chinese worker dropped his wedding ring and saw it roll into a squat toilet, he thought his luck couldn't get any worse.

But when, in a desperate bid to avoid being consigned to the doghouse by his wife, he attempted to fish it out, it took a turn for the worse.

The man, named only as Zhang got his arm stuck in the U-bend of the toilet and was unable to free himself.

Unlucky: A man got his arm trapped down the toilet while trying to retrieve his wedding ring in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China
Unlucky: A man got his arm trapped down the toilet while trying to retrieve his wedding ring in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China

Trapped: Colleagues of the man had tried to free his arm using soapy water before calling emergency crews
Trapped: Colleagues of the man had tried to free his arm using soapy water before calling emergency crews

Embarrassed Zhang had to be rescued by firefighters, who were forced to cut through the pipe to free his arm.

The man had been using the staff area at work in Quanzhou, in China's Fujian province, to have a shower, when he took off his ring. 

    And when the panicked worker saw it drop into the toilet he lay down on his front and put his arm in after it.

    His colleagues were alerted to his plight when they heard him shouting for help and initially tried to prise his arm free using soapy water as a lubricant.

    Stuck: The man's hand is pictured trapped in the toilet U-bend
    Stuck: The man's hand is pictured trapped in the toilet U-bend

    Delicate operation: A firefighter attempts to break up the area of ceiling around the pipe so that the man's arm can be freed
    Delicate operation: A firefighter attempts to break up the area of ceiling around the pipe so that the man's arm can be freed

    But when they were unable to help Zhang, they called firefighters.

    Fire crews eventually managed to free red-faced Zhang, but not before they had to dismantle part of the floor and take the pipe apart.

    It is unclear whether the man's efforts to find the ring were fruitful.

    The man is not the only person in south east China to get stuck in a squat toilet recently.

    Great escape: Eventually firefighters were able to help the stricken man and free his arm
    Great escape: Eventually firefighters were able to help the stricken man and free his arm

    Free at last: The man is stretchered away by emergency crews once the rescue operation is complete
    Free at last: The man is stretchered away by emergency crews once the rescue operation is complete

    Earlier this month a three-year-old boy had an accident while using the toilet at his home in Guangzhou and managed to get his left leg trapped.

    When his parents were unable to free him they called fire crews, but the youngster was so distressed that they were unable to rescue him at first.

    Emergency personnel had to wrap the boy in a blanket and wait for him to drop off to sleep before quietly breaking up the tiles around the toilet with a hammer and chisel.

    Fortunately, the young boy was unharmed in the incident.

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