26 November 2013

MIRACLE STORIES - The Miracle Come Back Kid

My story is actually about my son. On August 3rd 2009, my 12 year old son R. rode his bicycle through a red light and was hit by 2 SUVs. Against all odds my son survived.
My son lost; 1 kidney and half his liver, broke his pelvis, crushed 1 lung and lost 46 pints of blood through surgery(platelets, plasma, and red blood cells). My son has been nick-named “The Miracle Come Back Kid” by his friends and teachers.

Many good things have come out of this Miracle of life my son was given, such as; lectures on bike safety, interviews, commercials, blood drives, video, cartoon book, clothes line, and we were invited to go on the Maury Show.

just wanted to share this with everyone. When you think you got it bad, someone out there has got it worse.
This miracle story was submitted by “B.M.” from WI.
Source: http://miraclestories.com

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