26 November 2013

MIRACLE STORIES - Miracle Match, Mother and Adopted Son

I’m originally from is El Salvador. At the age of 5 months, on May 8, 1980, I was adopted by two loving parents from the United States. During the 5 months that I was in El Salvador, the country was going through its own Civil War. The orphanage that I was at didn’t have the necessities an infant needs to be properly taken care of. Therefore, my parents were sending money down to them so I could get that care.
Unfortunately, the money was being used towards weapons for underground criminals. When my parents arrived to take me to my new home, I was very malnourished. I was very sick with various illnesses throughout my childhood because of this. My Mom was taking me to doctors’ appointments because of things varying from ear infections to strep throat. I even needed to be hospitalized for asthma. Not much was known about asthma back then, so many doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. My Mom would spend the day at the hospital with me and my Dad would come to the hospital at night. Every night they would sit in my hospital room while I slept.
In 1985, my Mom found out that she was suffering from diabetes and needed to be on insulin. Twenty-four years later, she found out that her kidneys were failing due to the aforementioned reason. She needed a kidney transplant.
Immediately, I told my Dad that I would be willing to donate my kidney to her. My parents, being the loving parents that they are, didn’t want me to go through a procedure like that. Blood relatives offered, but due to their own medical complications, they were unable to do so.
I kept on pursuing to be tested in order to find out if I would be an organ and tissue match for my Mom. From July of 2009 to September of 2009, my Mom and I were going through many tests to see if this would be the case. In October of 2009, we as a family learned that my Mom and I were a perfect tissue and organ match.
On Monday, October 12, 2009, we had the surgery. It was a complete success! The doctor said the surgery went very well and there were no complications! It is now over a year later, and the kidney is working very well!
I like to tell everyone this story, not because I want to sound like a hero,(I believe God did all the work. I just volunteered) but because I want people out in the world to know that miracles do happen!
Around the time that this was happening, my Dad emailed our local news station (without my Mom’s or my own knowledge at first). The station interviewed us on the miracle. 
I hope everyone enjoys this miracle, just as much as I enjoyed doing this for my Mom!
This story was submitted by J.S. from MA
Source: http://miraclestories.com

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