25 December 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 114 (25/12/2013)

1131.            The word vaccine comes from the Latin word "vacca," which means cow. This 
                 name was chosen because the first vaccination was derived from cowpox
                 which was given to a boy.

1132.            James Bond is also known as Mr. Kiss-Kiss-Bang-Bang.

1133.            A snail can crawl across a razor blade without getting injured. This is possible 
                 because they excrete a slime that protects them.

1134.            Behram, an Indian thug, holds the record for most murders by a single individual. 
                 He strangled 931 people between 1790-1840 with a piece of yellow and white  
                 cloth, called a ruhmal. The most murders by a woman are 612, by Countess 
                 Erzsebet Bathory of Hungary.

1135.            Approximately 97.35618329% of all statistics are made up.

1136.            The largest spider ever was the Megarachne which had a diameter of 50 cm. The 
                 fossil was found in Argentina.

1137.            In Russia, when flowers are given for a romantic occasions, flowers are given in 
                 odds numbers as even number of flowers is given at funerals only.

1138.            Next to man, the porpoise is the most intelligent creature on earth.

1139.            The hippopotamus has the capability to remain underwater for as long as twenty-
                 five minutes.

1140.          The Australian box-jellyfish has eight eyes.

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