26 December 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 115 (26/12/2013)

1141.            In 1916, an elephant was tried and hung for murder in Erwin, Tennessee.

1142.            A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first passengers in a hot air balloon.

1143.            The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.

1144.            In the UK, one third of accidental deaths that happen occur in the home.

1145.            After the U.S Civil War, about 33%-50% of all U.S. paper currency in circulation
     was counterfeit.

1146.            Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory
     workers in Malaysia combined.

1147.            The Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters.

1148.            Tycho Brahe, a 16th century astronomer, lost his nose in a duel with one of his
     students over a mathematical computation. He wore a silver replacement nose for
     the rest of his life.

1149.            Termites do more damage in the U.S. ever year than all the fires, storms and
     earthquakes combined. They do an average of $750 million in damage annually.

1150.         Burger King restaurants serve over 400 million ounces of orange juice annually.

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