25 January 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 141 (21/01/2014)

1401.            There are more recreational golfers per capita in Canada than any other country in
    the world.

1402.            Hitler and Napolean both had only one testical.

1403.            The largest bill U.S. bill made is for $100,000.

1404.            Playwright Shakespeare was only 18 years old when he married Ann Hathaway,
    who was 26 years old at the time.

1405.            Wherever a person is standing in the state of Michigan in the United States, they
    are within 85 miles of one of the Great Lakes.

1406.            It only takes a male horse 14 seconds to copulate.

1407.            The driest place on earth is Calama, in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

1408.            After being picked an orange cannot ripen.

1409.            The stomach of an adult can hold 1.5 liters of material.

1410.            On average, a whole chicken from the grocery store weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces.

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