25 January 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 137 (17/01/2014)

1361.            You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.

1362.            The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.

1363.            When Heinz ketchup leaves the bottle, it travels at a rate of 25 milesper year.

1364.            The story of Mulan had been told in China for almost 1,500 years before Disney
    decided to make it into an animated movie.

1365.            The name Santa Claus came from Saint Nicholas who was a bishop in the town of
    Myra, and was known to be very nice to children.

1366.            Microsoft made $16,005 in revenue in its first year of operation.

1367.            At the 1960 Winter Olympic Games, Walt Disney was head of the committee that
    organized the opening day ceremonies.

1368.            No other animal gives us more by-products than the hog. These by-products
    include pig suede, buttons, glass, paint brushes, crayons, chalk, and insulation to
    name a few.

1369.            The ruby red slippers in the movie "The Wizard of Oz" were sold off at an auction
    for $660,000.

1370.            40 percent of the almonds in the world are used by manufacturers of chocolate.

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