1 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 151 (31/01/2014)

1501.            Approximately 87% of dog owners say that when they watch T.V. their dog curls up
    beside them or at their feet.

1502.            Bernd Eilts, a German artist, turns dried cow manure into wall clocks and small
    sculptures. He is now expanding his business to include cow dung wrist watches.

1503.            People who meet their calcium need reduce their risk of developing kidney stones.

1504.            In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

1505.            The human heart weighs less than a pound.

1506.            The first Life Saver flavour, which was peppermint, was invented in 1912 and it was
    called Pep-O-Mint.

1507.            The average life span of a peasant during the medieval ages was 25 years.

1508.            Before 1859, baseball umpires were seated in padded chairs behind home plate.

1509.            On February 10, 1964 the first self-adhesive stamps were issued.

1510.            The ocean sunfish can produce thirty million eggs at once.

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