5 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 155 (04/02/2014)

1541.            There is no element on Mendeleev's (the current) periodic table of elements
    abbreviated, either partially, or fully, with the letter J.

1542.            One of the Bond girls in the James Bond movie, "For Your Eyes Only," used to be a

1543.            The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a
    chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

1544.            In February 1878, the first telephone book was published in New Haven,
    Connecticut. The book was one page long and had fifty names in it.

1545.            Only President to win a Pulitzer: John F. Kennedy for "Profiles in Courage"

1546.            Roman emperors ate flamingo tongues which were considered a delicacy. Also
    parrotfish livers, and pheasant brains were feasted on.

1547.            In 2002, the most popular car color in North America was silver.

1548.            Forty percent of Americans iron their clothes while wearing their underwear or
    being completely naked.

1549.            About 85% or product warning labels on household products are inadequate.

1550.            The largest volcano known is on Mars: Olympus Mons, 370 miles wide and 79,000
    feet high, is almost three times higher than Mount Everest.

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