11 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 160 (09/02/2014)

1591.            7-Eleven is the largest retail chain in the world. Click Here For More Details.

1592.            A Singapore singing group by the name of "The Oriental Singers," sang non-stop
    for 74 hours and five minutes.

1593.            Every 25 miles a car produces one pound of pollution.

1594.            There was a molasses flood in Boston on January 15, 1919 that killed 21 people
    and injured 150 people.

1595.            There are over one billion people that are actively involved in rice growth.

1596.            On April 4, 1974, John Massis of Belgium pulled two New York Long Island railroad
    passenger cars totaling 80 tons with a thick rope, with a small bit attached, using
    only his teeth.

1597.            The oldest major soft drink in America is Dr. Pepper, which originated in Waco,
    Texas in 1885.

1598.            Hockey pucks were originally made from frozen cow dung.

1599.            In L.A., U.S.A., a man may legally beat his wife with a leather strap, as long as it is
    less than 2 inches wide.
1600.            The Arctic Tern, which is a small bird, can fly a round trip from the Arctic to the
    Antarctic and back. This can be as long as twenty thousand miles per year. This is
    the longest migration for a bird.

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