25 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 176 (25/02/2014)

1751.            The largest ketchup bottle in the world is a 170 feet tall and is located in Collinsville,
    Illinois, USA. It was built in 1949 by the W.E. Caldwell Company as a water tower.

1752.            Bo Jackson set a Monday Night Football record by rushing for 222 yards in one
    game against the Seattle Seahawks, including a 91-yard TD run.

1753.            There are approximately 75,000,000 horses in the world.

1754.            The fins of the Spiny Dogfish Shark are sometimes used as sandpaper for wood

1755.            The Super Bowl is so popular that it is the number on at-home party event of the

1756.            There was a time in Japan where a wife being left handed was a ground for divorce
                               The United States produces enough plastic film annually to cover the entire state of

1758.            It is possible to get high by licking a toad. The Cane Toad produces a toxin called
    bufotenine to ward off predators. When licked, this toxin acts as a hallucinogen.

1759.            Stinging insects kills approximately 25 people annually in the U.S.

1760.            The first commercial microwave oven was called the "1161 Radarange" and was
    the size of a refrigerator.

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