1 February 2014

PEOPLE - United Arab Emirates forces new mothers to breastfeed by LAW (and gives husbands right to SUE if they don't)

United Arab Emirates forces new mothers to breastfeed by LAW (and gives husbands right to SUE if they don't)

  • The UAE Federal National Council passes Child Rights Law
  • The law includes a clause requiring mothers to breastfeed
  • UAE mothers must breastfeed children for at least two years
  • Law could lead to husbands suing their wives if they do not

Women in the United Arab Emirates must breastfeed their children, or their husbands could sue them, according to a new law.
The legislation passed this month, requires all able Emirati women to breastfeed their children for at least two years.
The Federal National Council included a clause in the new Child Rights Law which states that it is a human right for a child to be breast fed, and that nursing is now mandatory.
Mandatory breast: According to the new Child Rights Law, women in the United Arab Emirates must breast feed their children as nursing is a 'human right' written into the Koran
Mandatory breast: According to the new Child Rights Law, women in the United Arab Emirates must breast feed their children as nursing is a 'human right' written into the Koran
However, the UAE’s Minister of Social Affairs, Mariam Al Roumi, said the fact that breastfeeding is now forced upon women, could lead to husbands suing their wives if they do not follow the law.
‘This part of the law can be a burden,’ Ms Al Roumi told The National. ‘If the law forced women to breastfeed, this could lead to new court cases.’
The Child Rights Law was passed by the National Federal Council earlier this month, and the breastfeeding clause added once it was put up for review.
The Council said that it was the right of all children to be breastfed up to the age of two, and that it is a duty and not an option for any woman able to do so.
The decision was backed up by research which show that breast feeding is beneficial both for a child's future health, but also for the bond between mother and baby, while other members referred to parts of the Koran which states that a mother should nurse.
Thinly veiled threat: The new law proposes that should an Emirati woman not breastfeed her child for two years, her husband would have legal backing to sue her
Thinly veiled threat: The new law proposes that should an Emirati woman not breastfeed her child for two years, her husband would have legal backing to sue her
If a mother is unable to breastfeed for a biological reason, the state should support her by providing a wet nurse, but it has not been explained how this system is to be implemented.
Several groups supporting new parents reacted strongly to the new breastfeeding law, including Out of the Blues, a Dubai organisation helping mothers suffering from postnatal issues.
'As a group we wholeheartedly agree that breastfeeding should be encouraged and that the sentiment is a good one that clearly follows international guidelines,' the group wrote in an open letter in The National.
'However, as many of the new mothers we encounter are already under significant pressure, we are concerned that enacting a law that leaves mothers facing potential punishment could be a step too far.'
The group also pointed out that is has not been made clear who will be responsible for assessing who is and is not able to breastfeed, especially as lactation specialists can be hard to find in the UAE.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2549580/New-mothers-breastfeed-babies-two-years-new-Emirates-laws-husbands-able-SUE-dont.html#ixzz2s0e5Clac
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