1 March 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 179 (28/02/2014)

1781.            Hundreds of years ago, only the wealthy people used to wear underwear.

1782.            Buffalo wings, got their name because the spicy chicken wings originated in
    Buffalo, New York.

1783.            The board game Scrabble was originally called "Criss Cross Words" by inventor
    Alfred Butts.

1784.            Men are more likely to be colorblind than women. About one of out of 12 men are

1785.            Edwin Armstrong invented FM radio in 1933. The first men to use FM radio to
    communicate with Earth from the moon's surface were named Edwin Aldrin and
    Neil Armstrong.

1786.            The MGM lion, whose name was Leo, lived in Memphis until his death.

1787.            The Bible was written by over 40 authors over a period of 1500 years.

1788.            The range of a medieval long-bow is 220 yards.

1789.            Studies indicate that weightlifters working out in blue gyms can handle heavier

1790.            African heart-nosed bats can have such a keen sense of sound that they can hear
    the footsteps of a beetle walking on sand from six feet away.

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