3 April 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 212 (02/04/2014)

2111.            Navel oranges got their name because the bottom of this type of orange resembles
    belly button or navel.

2112.            Tohru Iwatani, the inventor of the video game Pac-Man, came up with the idea
    when he saw a pizza with a slice missing at a dinner party.

2113.            One tree can filter up to sixty pounds of pollutants from the air each year.

2114.            In America, one out of every two marriages ends up in divorce.

2115.            A chance of a woman having twins is increased after the age of 35. About 1 in 27
    women will give birth to twins after this age. After 50 the chances of having twins is
    1 in 9.

2116.            The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight, and
    always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.

2117.            The Hollywood sign was first erected in 1923. It was first erected as

2118.            During his entire life, Vincent Van Gogh sold exactly one painting, Red Vineyard at

2119.            The first commercial chewing gum was sold in 1848 by John B. Curtis, who also
    made the gum. He called the gum "State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum."

2120.            Touching and stroking a plant will aid in it growing healthy.

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