20 April 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 230 (20/14/2014)

2291.            There is a certain species of kangaroo that is only 2.5 centimetres long when it is

2292.            In a lifetime, the average house cat spends approximately 10,950 hours purring.

2293.            The real name of Toto the dog in "The Wizard Of Oz" was Terry.

2294.            Stannous fluoride, which is the cavity fighter found in toothpaste is made from
    recycled tin.

2295.            It takes 12 honeybees to make one teaspoon of honey.

2296.            Thomas Watson, who was the chairman of IBM in 1943 predicted that their would
    probably only be a world market for five computers.

2297.            The largest hamburger cooked in the world weighed in at 6,040 pounds.

2298.            The first lighthouse was in Alexandria in 290 B.C

2299.            Heinz first started making ketchup in 1876 and the recipe has remained the same
    ever since.

2300.            The largest wedding chapel in Las Vegas is the Viva Las Vegas Chapel, which
    can seat 100 people.

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