23 April 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 232 (22/04/2014)

2311.            A maple tree is usually tapped when the tree is at least 45 years old and has a
    diameter of 12 inches.

2312.            In 1998, a law passed in the U.S. state of Virginia allows drivers to keep their
    road kill, as long as they report it within 12 hours. updated.

2313.            A language becomes extinct in this world every two weeks.

2314.            An acre of trees can remove about 13 tons of dust and gases every year from
    the surrounding environment.

2315.            The decomposition point of Olive Oil is 220 degrees Celsius.

2316.            Ten radishes only contain eight calories.

2317.            Annually a thousand people are killed by scorpions in Mexico.

2318.            Every year, 100 million sharks are killed by people.

2319.            Tug of war was an Olympic event from 1900-1920.

2320.            Of all the countries, Brazil has the most plant species, with over 56,000.

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