9 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 249 (09/05/2014)

2481.            The only animal, besides humans that can get leprosy is the Armadillo.

2482.            In 1894, the carnival made its debut in North America.

2483.            The artist Vincent Van Gogh sliced part of his ear off in madness.

2484.            According to Scientists, vampire bat saliva is the best known medicine for
    keeping blood from clotting.

2485.            People from North America prefer pickles with warts, where as Europeans
    prefer pickles with no warts.

2486.            People that suffer from gum disease are twice as likely to have a stroke or
    heart attack.

2487.            Close to 50% of the water used in a home originates from the bathroom.

2488.            After the Krakatoa volcano eruption in 1883 in Indonesia, many people
    reported that, because of the dust, the sunset appeared green and the moon
    blue. The moon was said to appear blue for almost two years.

2489.            The country with the highest consumption of chocolate per capita is
    Switzerland, with 22 pounds per person, per year.
2490.            In China, September 20 is "Love Your Teeth Day."

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