9 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 245 (05/05/2014)

2441.            An adult "Gold Frog" measures to be 9.8 millimeters in body length.

2442.            Each day, anywhere from 35-150 species of life go extinct.

2443.            Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never telephoned his wife
    or mother because they were both deaf.

2444.            Alexander the Great made his troops eat onions as he believed it would prove
    their vitality.

2445.            Bill Russell was the first black head coach of a major league pro sports team.

2446.            In 1945, a seven ounce bathroom cup was the first item Tupperware marketed.

2447.            Central air conditioners use 98% more energy than ceiling fans.

2448.            The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.

2449.            Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better.

2450.         Everyday, U.S. business use enough paper to circle the Earth over 20 times.

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